Juest | weird how that broke that | 00:00 |
blast007 | 070d498b7a9f50926f213a8362503ddd296054d5 | 00:00 |
Juest | very strange | 00:00 |
blast007 | (Fix crashes when world is null after connect spam) | 00:00 |
Juest | the weird part is how only medium is affected | 00:00 |
Juest | and not the rest | 00:00 |
blast007 | I'll poke around in the changes there and see what specific part of that made it angry and see if I can figure out WHY it only makes it angry for the medium setting | 00:00 |
Juest | thanks blast007 :D | 00:01 |
blast007 | I'm glad it wasn't just a macOS M1 issue because now I don't have to use Xcode :) | 00:01 |
Juest | :P | 00:01 |
Juest | checked on windows? | 00:01 |
blast007 | nope, but don't care, yet. | 00:02 |
Juest | i'll go ahead then | 00:02 |
Juest | i have to build dependencies | 00:02 |
Juest | but actually i cant because the computer that was doing that broke | 00:02 |
Juest | the motherboard sensors went whack | 00:02 |
blast007 | I should post binaries for the 2.4.28 dependencies... | 00:02 |
Juest | hmm, why/where? | 00:03 |
blast007 | we've previously uploaded them to the github release, IIRC | 00:03 |
Juest | oh right, on github releases | 00:03 |
Juest | yeah, that sounds good | 00:03 |
blast007 | but I got lazy about tagging the dependencies | 00:03 |
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blast007 | lol, and the issue only happens at certain times of the day... 4AM, it's fine, but 4PM and it looks wrong... | 09:58 |
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Juest | oop | 11:56 |
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