IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2023-07-25

blast007ah, that extra Xbox 360 Gamepad entry was because I had switched on "Enable Steam Input for Playstation controllers" in Steam00:44
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macsformewould we be using SDL's game controller library, versus the joystick library we are using now? I thought that was a whole different thing07:55
macsforme I would be fine with transitioning to that in the future, but my impression was that there would be some substantial work involved, possibly beyond the scope of the PR we have now07:57
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*** FastLizard4 is back08:22
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blast007I believe it's a layer on top of the joystick API09:12
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blast007one downside I'm seeing with the game controller API is that it limits the number of buttons.  also, I was seeing inconsistent mapping on my SN30 Pro and SN30 Pro+ bluetooth controllers with the main face buttons. I might just need to pull the latest GameControllerDB file though.11:30
blast007Updating the database fixed that mapping issue11:34
blast007Game Controller API limits you to these buttons: (with MAX not being a button)11:35
blast007so L2/R2 I believe would be treated as an axis11:35
blast007possibly even on gamepads where those are digital buttons11:35
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blast007the advantage of the game controller API is that we could have some sane defaults for joystick mappings that would be in (mostly) consistent positions on game controllers13:06
rhombusWhere do I find complete documentation for bzflag? The official pages have a list of slash commands and a list of flags. But I'm looking for things like keys and how to use observer mode.13:24
*** FastLizard4 is now away: GONE - Screen Detached and Disconnected from IRC (I'm probably asleep, at work, or doing something in real life)13:30
blast007rhombus: I don't think we have observer mode documented on the new site, but there's some info here:
blast007the in-game Help menu also lists the normal controls13:37
rhombusHow do I switch between drivers in Observer Mode?13:45
rhombusAlso, I am looking for a mentor :)13:46
blast007F6/F7 select the previous/next target (which could be either the team flag or a player)13:47
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag15:07
rhombusWhere might I find a player-mentor?15:14
blast007do you use Discord?15:16
rhombusI do, occasionally.15:16
rhombusI think IRC is a rip-off of Discord ;-)15:17
blast007There's a Discord server that has more of the players in15:17
blast007They organize some events too15:17
rhombusWhere do I find it?15:18
blast007I don't have the invite link at the moment15:24
blast007are you registered with that same name on our forums?15:25
blast007as "rhombus", I mean15:27
moriahRhombus, sent you forum pm with invite15:45
rhombusblast007: I might be, I have a registered username when playing, perhaps I created a forum account a long time ago :)18:20
moriahrhombus is a registered nick18:26
rhombusmoriah: yes, I think it's mine ;-)18:27
JunkoAkemi[m]Rhombus, if you need help with plug-ins, servers, map making...etc, feel free to reach me here on IRC18:33
rhombusJunkoAkemi[m]: Sure thing! Thanks for the warm welcome :)18:34
JunkoAkemi[m]Glad to see you on BZ. :)18:34
blast007rhombus: the BZFlag fourms ( ) double up as the account system for BZFlag, so your login information for BZFlag client is the same as for our forums21:06
rhombusthanks :)21:07
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blast007heh, ordered a gamepad without any analog sticks thinking I could test one without any analog axes. However, it seems it just imitates an Xbox 360 controller and therefore *says* it has analog axes but just doesn't do anything with them. :)22:11
BZNotifybzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (
BZNotifybzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (
BZNotifybzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (
blast007cleaner to merge 2.4 into master in the official repo, then pull those changes into your fork's master, and then rebase your branch22:46
blast007TimRiker: the second and third part of that are documented here:
TimRikerwant me to merge 2.4 in master? I can always rebase mine.22:52
blast007I'm working on merging 2.4 into master right now22:54
blast007just working on a couple conflicts22:54
BZNotifybzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag: blast007 pushed 9 commits (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag: blast007 b67e82: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' (
*** rhombus <rhombus!> has quit IRC (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.1 Aria
TimRikerwhere does the github build get it's package info? I've installed miniupnpc libminiupnpc-dev and perhaps more that are not in the README.Linux23:04
TimRikerlibpng-dev might want to also be there? can't recall.23:06
blast007miniupnpc is not used by default and I think only Gentoo builds with that23:09
blast007Hmm, I thought libpng had been in there.  Maybe a previous merge conflict nuked it.23:10
TimRikerI build with it to test. Is there a downside to enabling it?23:14
TimRikerXcode/BZFlag.xcodeproj should not be in master?23:18
BZNotifybzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (
blast007mostly I just don't like UPnP23:20
TimRikerit certainly has security concerns, but it does have widespread support.23:21
BZNotifybzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (

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