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TimRiker | ok, done with some other projects back to ipv6. built on Debian 11. Now to figure out what I need to build on Win and Mac. | 00:27 |
TimRiker | did the bzfs changes get pushed to prod? or do I still need to use my-dev ? | 00:29 |
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blast007 | bzfls? not yet | 00:30 |
TimRiker | Updating my Mac install, installing Xcode, etc. Will probably take a while... | 00:36 |
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blast007 | macOS seems to not have s6_addr16 | 01:33 |
blast007 | (Used in Address::isMapped() ) | 01:33 |
blast007 | testing a fix | 01:39 |
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TimRiker | still doing upgrades/installs ... | 02:35 |
BZNotify | master @ bzflag: blast007 pushed 1 commit (https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/compare/b67e8299e2d1...61d8207f8c5c): | 02:36 |
BZNotify | master @ bzflag: blast007 61d820: Fix the premake5 build on macOS (https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/commit/61d8207f8c5c0b525b33929ab406c3e953d19d4e) | 02:36 |
TimRiker | I see it here: https://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-2782.30.5/bsd/netinet6/in6.h.auto.html | 02:36 |
BZNotify | bzflag: blast007 synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" by timriker (https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/pull/323) | 02:38 |
blast007 | needs a rebase from the latest master so it will build on mac | 02:39 |
blast007 | Note that I didn't test it against an actual server, but it did run | 02:39 |
BZNotify | bzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/pull/323) | 02:44 |
blast007 | hmm, on master (not the ipv6 stuff) running on Windows, I'm seeing ~60ms jitter to my server, compared with ~2ms on 2.4 | 03:20 |
TimRiker | ouch. Any idea what's changed? | 03:49 |
TimRiker | had to resize my macos install in order to fit xcode. Installing now. | 03:50 |
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blast007 | I think it's something with a newer xcode | 04:33 |
blast007 | looks like it was MFI related stuff | 04:35 |
blast007 | we just recently started targeting newer OSX deployment targets and using newer Xcode, so it wasn't necessary | 04:36 |
blast007 | the Xcode project for 2.4 had those extra frameworks added, but master doesn't have an Xcode project in the repo and instead uses premake5 to generate it, so it didn't have the added frameworks yet | 04:38 |
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TimRiker | I'm on 13.5 and still trying to get things building. "port" does not seem to be there. | 05:15 |
TimRiker | neither is brew. installing that... | 05:21 |
TimRiker | I don't get it. I do a build in Xcode but nothing happens. Still trying to build 2.4. "Build Succeeded" but nothing is there. | 05:38 |
TimRiker | progress? setting a "build scheme"... | 06:00 |
TimRiker | complaining about missing dependencies/output-macOS-Release-x86_64/lib not sure where to make that... | 06:29 |
TimRiker | I got 2.4 to build under Xcode. Project files are missing under master and timriker | 06:52 |
TimRiker | command line xcodebuild does not build dependencies first. :( | 07:35 |
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blast007 | you need to use the bzflag-dependencies repo, build with the script there, and the copy the "dependencies" directory into the root of the bzflag repo | 10:25 |
blast007 | then copy* | 13:55 |
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TimRiker | I installed sdl2 and glew with brew and that seems to get all the dependencies, but probably not the correct versions for release. I built x86_64 but arm64 fails the depends. | 16:04 |
blast007 | the brew instructions are for 2.4 | 16:05 |
TimRiker | yes, that's what I built first. | 16:06 |
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TimRiker | are there instructions for building master on MacOS? | 19:27 |
blast007 | README.premake5 | 19:27 |
blast007 | I don't recall if it's all in there though | 19:28 |
TimRiker | k | 19:28 |
blast007 | clone the master branch of our bzflag-dependencies repo, build that with the buildmacOS.sh script. That will spit out a dependencies/ directory. Copy that directory to the root of the BZFlag source (alongside src and include). Then from the BZFlag source directory, run "premake5 xcode4" and it should generate xcode project files. | 19:29 |
TimRiker | The description on https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag-dependencies only mentions Windows. | 19:37 |
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TimRiker | does the mac build of dependencies build both arm64 and x86_64? | 19:41 |
blast007 | yup: https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag-dependencies/blob/master/buildmacOS.sh#L163-L167 | 19:46 |
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TimRiker | still building... | 20:48 |
TimRiker | not sure what to do next. finished building dependencies, make the link, now what? where do I find premake5 ? | 21:32 |
TimRiker | brew install premake might do it.... | 21:33 |
blast007 | depends if brew has premake5 | 21:40 |
blast007 | looks like it is 5.0.0-beta2, so that should work | 21:41 |
TimRiker | Project cannot be opened as it is missing it's project.pbxproj file. | 21:42 |
TimRiker | same from the command line: | 21:43 |
TimRiker | xcodebuild: error: Unable to read project 'BZFlag.xcodeproj'. | 21:43 |
TimRiker | Reason: Project /Users/timr/bzflag/Xcode/BZFlag.xcodeproj cannot be opened because it is missing its project.pbxproj file. | 21:43 |
TimRiker | $ premake5 --version | 21:44 |
TimRiker | premake5 (Premake Build Script Generator) 5.0.0-beta2 | 21:44 |
blast007 | premake puts the files in premake5/xcode4 | 21:44 |
TimRiker | ok. that one opens at least. does not appear to default to the bzflag build target. | 21:46 |
blast007 | is that a problem? | 21:47 |
TimRiker | dunno yet. not yet gotten anything to build. | 21:47 |
blast007 | I rather dislike Xcode. I'm still using JetBrains AppCode, but that's been discontinued. | 21:48 |
TimRiker | This is building something: xcodebuild -verbose -arch x86_64 -configuration Debug -project bzflag.xcodeproj | 21:50 |
TimRiker | 2.5 built and seemed to run. trying my fork next. | 22:10 |
TimRiker | bzflag client works over ipv6 from macos from my build. :) | 22:21 |
TimRiker | broadcast discovery is not working. openBroadcast: bind: Invalid argument | 22:22 |
TimRiker | other things seem to work ok. | 22:22 |
TimRiker | performance is horrid on my virtual mac. | 22:23 |
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BZNotify | bzflag: timriker ready_for_review pull request #323 "IPv6" (https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/pull/323) | 22:49 |
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