IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Monday, 2023-07-24

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*** FastLizard4 is back07:25
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*** FastLizard4 is now away: GONE - Screen Detached and Disconnected from IRC (I'm probably asleep, at work, or doing something in real life)08:31
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BZNotifybzflag: blast007 synchronized pull request #255 "Improved joystick support" by macsforme (2.4.28 -
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blast007I was trying to see if there's a better way to store and match the user selected joystick device. Currently I believe we store the index and name of the joystick device to the config, but that can change run to run if a joystick was removed or added (or possibly depends on the order the OS detected them?).13:34
blast007There's a joystick GUID as well, but there's some other problems with that. One is that if you have multiple of the same joysticks, they both will have the same GUID. A second is that, at least on Linux, the GUID changes depending on if I'm using the gamepad over bluetooth or via USB.13:35
blast007So I thought of a different method this morning.  What if we just automatically pick a joystick?  If there's just 1 device detected, we make that the active device. If there's multiple, we init all of them and when a button is press on one of them we make that the active and close the rest.13:37
blast007There's some oddities I'd have to check into, such as my PS4 gamepads showing up as both a PS4 Dual Shock and as an Xbox 360 gamepad. Maybe only one of them would be supported by SDL's game controller interface and I could filter out the other that way.13:41
blast007And then somewhat related to that is that I would change the axis selection from a dynamic list based on what is reported to just None/Disable, Left X, Left Y, Right X, and Right Y. SDL's game controller API normalizes axis, button, and d-pad/hat mappings.13:46
blast007I'm going to test PR 255 more to see if there's any regressions introduced so that we can get that merged.13:48
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