IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Wednesday, 2021-07-14

blast007yeah, I think.  I'm just double clicking the zip in Finder.00:01
blast007let me try in Chrome00:02
blast0072.4.18 I get a "bzflag.. would like to receive keystrokes from any application" warning00:05
blast007I like how even Google Chrome I get a "is an app downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?" dialog00:06
blast007(for Chrome itself)00:06
allejoi mean. bus it the dialog wrong? :p00:07
blast007even downloading 2.4.22 in Chrome, I can still just double click on the .zip and then right click open the .app00:09
allejowth is blocking this on my (and a player's computer) computer then00:12
blast007I could try a clean install of macOS 1100:13
allejosure if it's not too much trouble. I'll try a bit later in a macOS VM and see if i get that behavior00:16
blast007does your mac have a T2 chip?00:27
allejoit does00:29
blast007installing it on an external disk00:38
blast007mine doesn't have a T2, so I wonder if that could be why00:39
allejothat'd be such a weird cause00:40
blast007yeah, I'm trying to Think Different00:41
allejocan confirm that on a non-T2 mac, I have the option to open the unsigned app and not just "Move to Trash"00:43
* allejo flips his desk00:44
allejolemme as the player who reported this to see if they have a T200:44
blast007clean install of 11.4 still lets me open 2.4.22 when I right click01:15
allejopfft so i can believe that it's the T2 chip...01:20
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OkinaMataraCould RSS be added for the forums?02:02
OkinaMatara(On most recent topics.)02:03
blast007you can subscribe to a thread or a forum, and then adjust your notification settings to trigger a notification or an email02:23
blast007I can't recall if I disabled some notifications in the code though...02:24
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OkinaMataraI guess that works too.02:27
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allejoupdate re: GateKeeper, the player who reported the issue doesn't have a T2 chip...16:32
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blast007okay, so that theory is out the window :)17:06
blast007is your device behind a corporate firewall or MDM managed?17:07
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allejomine isn't. this is my personal computer17:13
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blast007that'd be annoying if it's just some A/B testing that Apple is doing :P17:28
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allejooh god. please no17:38
blast007congrats, you're part of the B group17:39
blast007as a reward, you can't run your software17:39
the_mapyou can buy a $90 adapter to run it though17:42
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