IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2021-07-13

SpringTank_what's wrong with the current copy rights?00:02
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SpringTanknot sure if my last message went through. :P "what's wrong with the current copyright?"00:04
Agathait wasn't rotated by 180 degrees, so it was a copyleft00:04
SpringTank^ lol00:06
allejonothing is wrong with the current copyright00:08
allejowe were just wondering if a cleaned up versions would need to have the same copyright as the original or if it'd be considered new/different and have a new copyright00:09
SpringTankI wonder if my versions would be considered different enough. :P00:09
allejotechnically no, cuz it's still using the same shape00:11
allejothat's like taking the McDonalds logo, changing the color, and claiming it as your own00:12
allejocopyright is weird00:12
allejo(i know mcdonald's logo is a trademark, which is different from copyright. but just for the sake of example)00:13
SpringTankI know, I was kidding00:13
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AgathaNot a lawyer, me, but actually, since per the readme BZFlag is LGPL or MPL, SpringTank can definitely (indeed, explicitly) make (and distribute! and sell!) derivative works. He even has copyright on them. However, the original must remain available and his changes must be stated. (Also, if LPGL, the source would have to be open-sourced—but it's an image, so inapplicable.)02:01
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Harlingood to see everyone came over here.11:35
HarlinFreenode has become a ghetto.11:36
Harlinso, I notice there are hardly any new posts on the forum. Is the forum dying? I haven't used it in some time myself.11:37
blast007just not as many people12:23
blast007plus some of them talk more on Discord or other platforms12:24
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Harlinis there an official discord page?12:28
blast007the league has one12:30
blast007otherwise no, the project itself doesn't have a Discord server12:30
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BZNotifybzflag: allejo opened issue #286 "App Signing on macOS; aka "cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified"" (
BZNotifybzflag: allejo pinned issue #286 21:38
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allejo^ things are gonna get more annoying and tedious for users21:38
blast007does 2.4.18 or 2.4.16 open okay?22:27
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blast007updating my mac here but that'll take a bit :)22:37
allejolemme see22:51
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blast007gef: your connection is a bit unstable - could you check on that please?22:51
allejoyes. 2.4.16 and .18 open without problems22:52
blast007we could temporarily link to .18 then22:53
allejodoesn't seem like macOS users would miss out on much if we link to .18 other than SDL fixes (both 1 and 2, judging by changelog)22:55
blast007yeah, I can't recall how bad the SDL issues were on macOS23:01
allejomaybe macsforme remembers?23:02
blast007I'll test a bit after the update finishes.  It just finished preparing and rebooted to install the update.23:05
allejoah alrighty23:08
allejoyou're on macOS 11?23:08
allejoor updating to it*23:08
blast007I have a second disk in my mini that has 1123:08
allejovery nice23:09
blast007NVMe is 11, SATA SSD is 10.1523:09
blast007right click + open works for me on 11.423:39
allejofor .22?23:43
allejofor a freshly downloaded copy of .22? do you only have two options for "Allow apps downloaded from:" in Security Privacy?23:47
blast007yeah, freshly downloaded.  and yes, I only have "App Store" and "App Store and identified developers", of which the second is selected23:48
the_mapblast007: if you're clicking on the .22, perhaps you need to reload23:48
allejoare you downloading from Safari?23:50
allejobecause for me, if I download it from Safari and have safari unzip it for me, it allows me to bypass GateKeeper23:50
allejoif I download with Chrome, unzip manually, then it fails23:50
allejoand by "unzip manually" I mean with macOS' built-in Archive Utility23:51
the_mapthat's Windows-level suspicious functionality23:52
blast007oh, I was using Firefox.  Let me try the lesser browser, Safari.23:57
blast007oh you said it worked with Safari23:57
blast007Firefox doesn't auto-unzip either, so I just double clicked on the .zip and then right clicked on the .app and clicked open, and it gave me the option to open it23:58
allejois it Archive Utility that's unzipping23:59

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