IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Thursday, 2021-07-15

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macsformehmm, what did I miss? ;-)02:17
macsformeso, last I looked at the mac signing/notarization stuff, it seemed like it would be best to implement in a new major release... I think the main reason is that it looks best to change the executable name to "" and remove the version under the new build paradigm02:20
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macsformethere would be other changes, too... like making an "archive" and assembling a .zip file from it... nothing else too complicated, I think, but enough significant changes that it seemed more fitting to implement with a major release... another reason I was asking about the master branch status recently02:30
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macsformeI probably just need to renew my paid developer account so I have the tools to experiment with the new process02:34
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macsformeas far as the issue itself, I'm curious whether changing the Gatekeeper setting to App Store only, then back to App Store + Identified Developers, fixes the issue05:22
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blast007for 2.6 I was leaning towards making it install to a "BZFlag 2.6" directory for all 2.6 versions instead of individual directories for each minor12:08
blast007so it would just install over itself12:08
blast007(or would uninstall the other version first)12:09
blast007for Windows, I mean12:09
blast007it would still be nice if we could have the mac version be "BZFlag" or similar so that we can have two major versions installed concurrently12:10
blast007is the name just a problem during signing/notarization where were could rename it afterwards?12:10
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blast007where we*16:22
*** alfa1 <alfa1!> has joined #bzflag18:19
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