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User | question about the bzflag API. does the function "bz_sendPlayCustomLocalSound" actually work? I don't think I've even seen it used before. are the paths to the file relative or absolute? | 12:29 |
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SpringTank | question about the bzflag API. does the function "bz_sendPlayCustomLocalSound" actually work? I don't think I've even seen it used before. are the paths to the file relative or absolute? | 12:33 |
blast007 | nope | 12:40 |
blast007 | it had caused client crashes for some players, so we had disabled it on the server-side | 12:40 |
SpringTank | :( | 12:47 |
SpringTank | would be a really nice feature | 12:47 |
blast007 | I traced our existing logo to clean up the shapes. https://static.bzexcess.com/bzflag_assets/icon_preview.html | 13:25 |
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SpringTank | so wait, I could techniclly reenable the bz_sendPlayCustomLocalSoun function by modifying my server? | 14:07 |
SpringTank | without modding any clients | 14:07 |
blast007 | looks like it | 14:09 |
SpringTank | any idea why it was crashing clients? | 14:09 |
blast007 | but not that we never did any work on fixing the crash or figuring out why | 14:09 |
blast007 | note* | 14:09 |
SpringTank | i might set up a test server later just to see | 14:09 |
SpringTank | do you know where it is disabled? Is it just code that is commented out? | 14:10 |
blast007 | run 'git grep MsgCustomSound' | 14:11 |
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SpringTank | found it, ill try uncommenting the code and running a test server. | 14:13 |
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blast007 | heh.. and the old logo with slighly janky shapes actually looks better on our website logo.. | 14:45 |
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the_map | the logo looks like going from W7 to W10 | 15:08 |
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SpringTank | i got the custom sounds working on a private test server. This is really cool! | 15:19 |
the_map | rickroll time | 15:19 |
SpringTank | irk? | 15:19 |
SpringTank | ikr | 15:19 |
SpringTank | well, not exactly private | 15:20 |
SpringTank | you can still go to stupidnet.duckdns.org:5150 | 15:20 |
SpringTank | should work. Use the command /squish | 15:20 |
SpringTank | I'll leave it up for a while if anyone else wants to try it and try to reproduce the client crash. | 15:21 |
SpringTank | but I really think bzflag needs this feature for some games/servers | 15:21 |
blast007 | is it using a .wav hosted on a web server, or is it just playing a local file from the data directory? | 15:29 |
SpringTank | Local file. Didnt know it could be a file hosted on a web server. | 15:33 |
SpringTank | Im using the spree sound effects. Those dont play at the right speed though. | 15:34 |
blast007 | 2.4 supports http and ftp URLs for downloads (but not https sadly). | 15:37 |
blast007 | 2.6 will support http and https | 15:37 |
SpringTank | So i would list the sounds just like i would list custom textures for downloading and then tell the plugin to play the file? | 15:38 |
blast007 | it has been a long time since I tried to play custom sounds, so I can't recall. I don't think there's anything in the map you add. Might just be that you pass the URL as the sound name to bz_sendPlayCustomLocalSound, or you may have to use bz_sentFetchResMessage to get the file downloaded (I also notice there's a typo in that API function name - sent vs send) | 15:41 |
SpringTank | hmmm, for now I'll stick with local sounds and I'll leave the test server up. | 15:45 |
SpringTank | I might make another test server for testing URL sounds | 15:45 |
blast007 | I threw one up (unlisted) at xs.bzexcess.com:5000 that has a /local and /remote command | 16:16 |
blast007 | I haven't looked through the code yet to see if it follows the same DownloadAccess.txt rules as textures or if it's supposed to save the file out to the cache directory (I'm not seeing the file in cache here) | 16:18 |
blast007 | I ran a bz_sentFetchResMessage in the player join even to tell the player's client to download the URL, and then bz_sendPlayCustomLocalSound with just the base filename to play the sound | 16:19 |
SpringTank | Ill check it out. | 16:20 |
allejo | the sound API has been disabled for a while because of crash issues | 16:23 |
allejo | i think bz_sendPlayCustomLocalSound just returns true or something like that | 16:23 |
blast007 | yeah, I'm testing to see if I can get it to crash :) | 16:23 |
SpringTank | i tried the remote command and no sound plays | 16:24 |
blast007 | gonna run through a variety of hardware and operating systems | 16:24 |
blast007 | SpringTank: do you have Remote Sounds enabled in your options? | 16:24 |
SpringTank | but the local command plays the laser sound | 16:24 |
SpringTank | remote sounds? in options? | 16:25 |
blast007 | client options menu | 16:25 |
SpringTank | just checked, yes I do | 16:25 |
blast007 | hmm, okay | 16:25 |
blast007 | the sound played for me here, on Linux | 16:25 |
SpringTank | im on windows | 16:25 |
blast007 | ah, let me try Windows | 16:25 |
SpringTank | where does it download the sound to? | 16:25 |
SpringTank | win7 to be exact | 16:25 |
blast007 | ooooh, that's... hmm.. silly | 16:28 |
blast007 | it downloads into the data directory... | 16:28 |
SpringTank | yeah, not here on mine either which is expected | 16:31 |
SpringTank | i wonder if this is one of the reasons for the crashes? | 16:32 |
blast007 | very well could be | 16:32 |
blast007 | also it played at the wrong speed on Windows | 16:32 |
SpringTank | i had the same problem | 16:32 |
SpringTank | with the spree sounds | 16:32 |
SpringTank | but other sounds seem to play fine | 16:32 |
blast007 | I wonder if only fully custom sounds (as in, URL based ones) were the source of the crashes... I can't recall now | 16:39 |
SpringTank | I'm going to try out local sounds on my main server. I have a count down timers for my rtd plugin that I want to make sounds. | 16:43 |
SpringTank | it's up if anyone wants to try it. just seach my name | 17:02 |
SpringTank | It appears that sounds only work on some clients regardless of the remote sounds enable setting. | 21:21 |
Agatha | I was one of those who didn't hear any special sounds. Win 10. | 21:29 |
SpringTank | I haven't noticed anyone's clients crashing *yet*. But for all I know they could have crashed and I didn't know it. | 22:28 |
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blast007 | which sound file(s) are you playing? | 23:30 |
SpringTank | ./data/message_private.wav | 23:39 |
SpringTank | ./data/flag_lost.wav | 23:39 |
SpringTank | ./data/flag_won.wav | 23:39 |
SpringTank | ./data/spree4.wav | 23:40 |
SpringTank | spree4 is one of the ones that doesn't play at the right speed | 23:40 |
SpringTank | in fact, the only sounds that seem to play at the right speed are the default used sounds in bzflag. the unused sounds don't play right | 23:40 |
SpringTank | and I'm using relative paths. | 23:41 |
SpringTank | bz_sendPlayCustomLocalSound (BZ_ALLUSERS, "./data/spree4.wav" ); | 23:41 |
blast007 | you can actually just use the base filename (so, spree4.wav for instance) | 23:51 |
SpringTank | ill give it a shot | 23:51 |
blast007 | the spree files probably don't play right because they're 48000 Hz, whereas most of our files are 22050 Hz | 23:52 |
blast007 | our wave file reader is picky | 23:53 |
SpringTank | that sounds about right. | 23:54 |
SpringTank | base filenames seem to work for me. | 23:55 |
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