IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Thursday, 2021-06-24

*** Guest7353 <Guest7353!~Guest73@2604:3d08:1c7e:5600:57be:6bf7:ced3:21c> has joined #bzflag00:58
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SpringTankIs there a block diagram for the bzflag source?04:18
blast007do yo have a question about some of the code?04:44
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blast007there's 420 warnings building the master branch in 64-bit mode on Windows, most/all of which are "possible loss of data" warnings due to changes in type sizes between 32-bit and 64-bit mode.05:25
blast007bunch of linker errors when I build release mode too.  not sure if that's a problem with the BZFlag project files or the way I built the dependencies.05:34
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SpringTankI'm just trying to understand how the game engine works on a deeper level.09:56
SpringTankI'm a visual learner, so block diagrams and flow charts would just speed up the process.09:56
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blast007I'd just suggest using an IDE that lets you follow code around.  So, Visual Studio on Windows, QtCreator on Linux, Xcode or AppCode on macOS.  Then you can right click on functions/variables/classes and find the usage or definitions.12:50
*** blast007[m] <blast007[m]!~blast007m@2001:470:69fc:105::7ec> has quit IRC (Quit: Client limit exceeded: 15000)12:50
blast007I'm pondering a change to the login flow for the game client. Instead of the username/password fields in the Join Game menu, I'd have a login menu that would fetch a session token from the central services. That would be stored locally instead of the password (and username?).14:13
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blast007Those session tokens would be recorded on the central services and could be revoked by the player.  (So, for instance, if they played the game at a friend's house or a public workstation, but forgot to log out, they could do that by revoking that session token.)14:14
blast007Though, that kind of change might affect the flow of people that run multiple clients with different names or like to switch names often (between/to/from registered/unregistered names).14:16
blast007since to change between registered names, you'd have to log out and then log in with the new name14:27
blast007and to change from a registered account to a non-registered you'd have to log out.14:27
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JeffM[m]BZFlag's 'engine' is a little convoluted, especially in the all the scenenode stuff.15:01
JeffM[m]a lot of the GL state management stuff was to help software render performance back in the day. Most of it can be replaced with simple material sorting.15:01
JeffM[m]There are some good resources about general game dev practices out there though.15:01
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blast007speaking of 64-bit, seems that Windows 11 will require a 64-bit processor.  And UEFI, Secure Boot, and TPM 2.0.17:43
Gollumwhen does 11 come out?19:02
blast007end of 2021 or early 202219:04
Gollumnice cause my pc wont upg. tto the stupid feature updates19:04
Gollumjust wont do it19:04
blast007mine wouldn't either.  On one system I was able to get it to update by running the Windows 20H2 setup.exe from within Windows (I think?), but another wouldn't even work with that.  Had to reinstall from scratch.19:06
GollumI did that too19:06
Gollumand didnt work still19:06
Gollumso im stuck with no update19:06
blast007my work laptop won't support 11 :)19:07
Gollummy pc will haha19:07
Gollumbut it cant upg. lol19:07
Gollumblast007 Check DM :)  On Libera19:11
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