IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Sunday, 2019-05-05

macsformeblast007: it would work, it would just cause textures to be magnified... just trying to figure out the happy spot where the texture resolution to screen resolution doesn't exceed 1:101:12
macsformeit seems like 1080p is still by far the most popular resolution for gaming these days01:12
macsformeI don't think people game seriously above 4k... on the 5k iMacs, for example, I mostly hear of people scaling down the resolution if it's at all a graphically-intensive title01:14
macsformeplus the fact that despite adding the word "Pro" (the most meaningless of all their marketing jargon) in the names of all the AMD GPUs that they use, they are pretty much all actually mid-grade consumer GPUs01:17
blast007UI textures?01:27
blast007(providing that info is opt-in, though, so it's only representative of the people that actually submitted hardware details)01:34
blast0071920x1080 and 1366x768 are the two most popular screen resolutions that hit the bzflag site this year (of those that didn't block or opt-out of the analytics)01:37
blast00723 and 17 percent, respectively01:38
blast007800x600 was 6%, 1440x900 was 5%01:38
blast0074k was 0.3%01:39
blast007but in any case, why would we not be using geometry for the UI?01:42
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macsformewell, there could be menu icons, and there could be a new background that consists of a texture or at least uses textures for some kind of effect... these are all theoreticals at this point06:40
macsformebut we could ignore that part of it, and just answer the question in the context of new game textures06:42
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*** FusionDude <FusionDude!~flash@2601:280:c200:4e39:4008:dd58:e97e:f4f4> has joined #bzflag20:11
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The_NoahWhat resolution should new textures be? And for how many could we use SVG so res as more people get higher res the textures could be resized without quality loss?20:23
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