IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Saturday, 2019-05-04

macsformeif we redo the UI and textures, going forward what maximum display resolution do we want to target?02:24
macsformeI see there are 8K televisions coming, but computer displays seem maxed out at 4K or 5K right now?02:25
The_NoahIWhat resolution textures02:38
ZehraI noticed one issue on a plug-in of mine, but cannot remember the precise workaround used for it.02:38
The_Noahshould be made02:38
ZehraThe following code section is being used, but it does not provide any data after the check, hence why I'm able to know it is this precise code.  if (grabData->flagType == "TH")02:40
allejoif grabData is an instance of bz_eFlagGrabbedEvent, then flagType is a `const char*` which doesn't have the `==` operator02:42
macsformeyeah, that's not how you compare C-style strings02:42
ZehraDam it, thought it was bz_apistring.02:44
macsformebz_ApiString(grabData->flagType) == "TH"02:44
allejoor `strcmp(grabData->flagType, "TH") == 0`02:45
macsformeor #include <cstring>, strcmp(grabData->flagType, "TH... yeah :-P02:45
ZehraI'll stick to C style for my sanity.02:45
allejoor `"TH" == grabData->flagType` (I think)02:45
macsformehow would that work?02:46
ZehraCannot convert argument 1 from 'bz_ApiString' to 'const char*'.02:53
macsformereverse them02:55
macsformethe bz_ApiString goes first02:57
ZehraAdding ".c_str()" seems to fix it.02:58
macsformenow you have the same problem you did before... comparing two C-style strings03:03
ZehraThat's not an issue with strcmp...03:06
blast007if you're using strcmp, then what are you using .c_str() on?03:09
allejomacsforme: "TH" would be of type std::string, which does have an `==` operator. or at least that's the logic i'm thinking03:10
blast007"TH" would not be a std::string03:11
allejowelp, nvm then03:12
ZehraShot data, but previously it seemed using c_str() worked on grab data.03:12
blast007Zehra: stop being vague03:13
Zehrablast007: My bad. The first issue was that while using "if (grabData->flagType == "TH")", compiled, it did not end up doing what was expected, as during debugging, the process failed right there for no good reason.03:15
ZehraThis was a simple check, before either doing some changes to a few arrays for logic or calling a few functions.03:16
ZehraSo it caused me to wonder what "might" have gone wrong.03:17
ZehraThus some small changes had to be made to fix it and I had to also adjust some of the sections in the shotdata code I was using (by adding '.c_str()') and mistakenly assuming that it had to be part of "grabdata" as well.03:19
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joevanoCleaning today and stumbled across this old BZFlag CD...
The_NoahWow! Nice!14:42
joevanoIIRC Jeff or Phil made them but I could be wrong15:08
spldart That brings back memories:)15:08
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macsformeany thoughts on my question about screen resolutions to target?18:41
allejoI'd say 4k at most. do you see us going to a platform any time soon that it'd be played on an 8k tv?18:45
blast007why would the UI not work at higher resolutions?21:30
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