IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2025-02-11

blast007TimRiker: are you commenting on vikaa's issue?  if so, it's because bzfs tries to resolve the reverse DNS for each client, and in some cases c-ares (or our handling of it, at least) never ends up completing, so the clients get booted after 300 seconds00:01
blast007Juest: pretty good.  I'm closer to fixing the glScissor issue.00:14
blast007Turns out that just by enabling the GL_SCISSOR_TEST, it has a region that will be cut based on the original viewport size.  That's why it was working fine when fullscreen and windowed, and when toggling between both, but not when resizing the window.00:15
blast007(We re-create the window when we switch from windowed to fullscreen or back, and when changing resolutions - so the only time we don't re-create the window is when resizing the window)00:16
TimRikeryes. I'm wondering if adding the clients to etc/hosts would bypass cares or not.00:18
blast007ah, probably00:22
blast007a quick test seems to indicate that the Windows hosts file does get used for some stuff doing reverse DNS (such as tracert)00:22
Juestoh right, why not disable reverse dns resolution via a setting/command line?00:52
JuestTimRiker: i think it might just cause cares to instantly resolve thanks to the dnsmasq/hosts00:53
Juestbut its not a viable solution00:53
blast007or we just figure out WHY it gets stuck and fix it00:55
blast007my challenge last time I tried to fix that was that I couldn't get it to break again00:56
blast007but knowing now that having a router without internet triggered it, that might be enough of a hint to find a reliable way to reproduce the problem00:57
blast007depends if any of my spare routers would trigger it00:57
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blast007speaking of network issues :)00:58
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