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*** vikaa <vikaa!~vikaa@2a01:e0a:3e8:e270:a91a:6470:8ba:8417> has joined #bzflag | 12:13 | |
vikaa | hello; I'm trying to debug a blocking network issue; | 12:19 |
vikaa | I'm setting up lan party computers that will run in a local lan without internet (only a dhcp server) | 12:20 |
vikaa | (on windows) | 12:21 |
vikaa | And I discovered that when I launch a server with bzflag client with this setup, I then can connect to the started server with the same computer, as every other computer in lan, but we cannot "Press right mouse or I to start" | 12:22 |
vikaa | When I unplug the network cable: it works. When I plug the PC in a internet-available lan, it works | 12:23 |
blast007 | vikaa: is bzfs.exe allowed through your firewall? double check that both incoming TCP and UDP on whatever port you're using (5154 is the default) is allowed. | 13:24 |
blast007 | or are you saying that other PCs can connect to it fine, but only the same computer running the server has issues spawning? | 13:25 |
blast007 | also, what configuration options are you passing to bzfs? | 13:25 |
vikaa | I'm launching the server through the windows client GUI so I do not which default cfg file it uses | 13:29 |
vikaa | yes other PC can connect fine but not "start" the game | 13:29 |
vikaa | and bzfs is allowed yes | 13:37 |
vikaa | Is there any way to have more debug ? I'm launching with -d option but not much more infos | 13:38 |
vikaa | here is a demo video : https://youtu.be/7CxyS6bcsko | 13:39 |
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blast007 | yeah, you won't get any debugging information for the server when you run it within the client | 13:46 |
blast007 | do you know what anti-virus and/or firewall you have installed? | 13:47 |
vikaa | no there is nothing at all on these computers | 13:51 |
vikaa | every MS safety and firewall stuff disabled | 13:52 |
vikaa | they run on win7 | 13:52 |
vikaa | do you know which/where is the default server config file so I can run it separately ? | 13:55 |
blast007 | there isn't a default config file | 14:06 |
blast007 | do you know how to run bzfs.exe from a command prompt? | 14:06 |
vikaa | yes I will try with a sample conf file | 14:07 |
blast007 | you don't even need a config file | 14:11 |
blast007 | bzfs.exe -dddd | 14:11 |
blast007 | that will run with defaults (random world, single shot, no flags, no jumping) with debug level 4 | 14:11 |
blast007 | see if that works | 14:11 |
blast007 | Ctrl+C on that command prompt will stop the server | 14:12 |
vikaa | thanks | 14:14 |
vikaa | still not working | 14:14 |
vikaa | uploading log | 14:14 |
vikaa | https://vik.tf/s/SQyKdr.jpg | 14:15 |
vikaa | joined , pressed i multiple times to try to start, then exited the client | 14:16 |
vikaa | what does mean "joined with token NONE" ? | 14:16 |
blast007 | means the client didn't provide a global authentication login token, which is fine | 14:22 |
vikaa | I tried without network (where I can start game) - there is not much difference in server log | 14:23 |
vikaa | is there a way to have debug of the client side ? | 14:23 |
blast007 | what IP are you connecting to in the client? in both cases? | 14:24 |
vikaa | yes | 14:24 |
vikaa | no network cable plugged : https://vik.tf/s/29qeCS.jpg | 14:25 |
blast007 | it might be trying to get a reverse DNS for your system and that's taking a long time | 14:27 |
blast007 | if you want 30 to 60 seconds, can you spawn? | 14:29 |
vikaa | trying | 14:29 |
blast007 | it's working fine where I'm at, but I have a fully featured DNS setup here. Even at home, I have more of a proper DNS setup than most home networks. | 14:34 |
blast007 | maybe I should just skip reverse DNS lookups for non-public servers... | 14:35 |
vikaa | after some time the client gives "failed to connect within reasonable timeframe" | 14:58 |
vikaa | (even if the server says player joined) | 14:58 |
blast007 | that can occur if DNS is very broken | 15:01 |
blast007 | does it work if you connect to the LAN IP instead of | 15:01 |
vikaa | will try | 15:01 |
vikaa | nope fails - server correctly shows that the player ip is 192.168.etc | 15:03 |
blast007 | do you know what router brand/model you have? | 15:03 |
vikaa | you write about DNS lookup but as they are in a lan without internet there is no dns resolution | 15:03 |
blast007 | the server still tries a reverse DNS lookup (IP address to hostname) for each client that joins | 15:04 |
vikaa | tplink td-w8961nd factory resetted | 15:04 |
vikaa | ok | 15:05 |
blast007 | in your case, that is never finishing, so the server never actually fully adds the player, so it times out after 300 seconds and kicls the player with that "Failed to connect within reasonable timeframe" message | 15:05 |
vikaa | that sounds probable | 15:05 |
blast007 | you could try overriding the DNS servers on the computer running bzfs | 15:05 |
vikaa | with like ? | 15:07 |
vikaa | because it was already the router address inhere | 15:08 |
vikaa | will check if there is any config option in the router | 15:08 |
blast007 | I was thinking a working DNS server, either the same DNS servers that your router itself uses (your ISP's DNS server) or some other public DNS | 15:08 |
blast007 | the DNS server in the router might be the problem, so if you can skip using that and just go directly to your ISP-provided or public DNS servers, it might get a different response and actually work | 15:09 |
vikaa | the router is not externally connected to anything | 15:09 |
blast007 | or I should say, the DNS server in the router might be triggering the problem - the problem is probably *in* bzfs, somewhere in our DNS handling | 15:10 |
blast007 | oh, you know, I forgot you said it didn't have internet | 15:10 |
blast007 | :) | 15:10 |
vikaa | I don't know what I could do to validate the dns issue without plugging it online | 15:11 |
vikaa | will try using Tftpd64 | 15:12 |
blast007 | you could also just override all the local DNS servers to like you mentioned | 15:14 |
blast007 | just note that if you want to put those PCs back on a normal network you'll need to change that back to automatic | 15:14 |
vikaa | I tested this and same problem | 15:14 |
blast007 | I'd suggest going with a full static IP for the PC running bzfs, with DNS at And then reboot that computer. | 15:16 |
blast007 | set a static IP that's outside of the DHCP range and also doesn't conflict with the router IP | 15:16 |
vikaa | this works | 15:40 |
vikaa | now we know the issue, thanks; still not quite certain on how I will resolve this for the final setup | 15:46 |
blast007 | usually a static IP for a server is a good idea anyway so it's constent | 16:32 |
Juest | oh welp | 16:42 |
blast007 | consistent* | 16:43 |
Juest | weird, is it trying to resolve anyway? can it be disabled? have you tried without poking master server mayhaps? | 16:43 |
blast007 | no, can't be disabled | 16:43 |
Juest | maybe we should detect if the dns goes nowhere instead of getting stuck | 16:44 |
Juest | a version for lan parties with dns/cares? | 16:47 |
Juest | without* | 16:48 |
blast007 | could be a similar issue as this: https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/issues/310 | 16:49 |
Juest | havent had issues when connecting to lan on a internet enabled system | 16:51 |
vikaa | :q | 17:26 |
vikaa | woops sorry :D | 17:26 |
blast007 | :) | 17:52 |
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Juest | how its going blast007 ? | 22:06 |
TimRiker | could use a -list option above to redirect trying the list server. Might also try putting the "server" ip and name in etc/hosts on each client node. Hmm. server might be timing out looking up client IPs, so might add all the clients to etc/hosts on the server. | 22:56 |
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