IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Wednesday, 2024-02-14

macsformepremake was creating roughly equivalent Visual Studio and GNU make project files when it was first implemented... probably needs updating to match other changes since then01:32
macsformeblast007: do you want to tentatively plan a 2.4 release for something like 6 to 8 weeks out?01:39
macsformeI was planning to (reluctantly) give Apple more money to renew my developer account and look into signing/notarization again... might just take some time, and we might want to do some test builds or an RC release to test that mechanism before the final build01:40
macsformebeyond that, if we're not getting IPv6 into 2.4, then it seemed like we were close... maybe the docker stuff?01:42
blast007sure, that sounds reasonable01:46
blast007I will (finally) work on getting a code signing certificate for the Windows builds as well.01:47
blast007IPv6 still needs some more work with the web services, since we can't just turn on IPv6 for as that would break weblogin.01:48
blast007that, and... ban commands would be a pain for typing an IPv6 address :)01:48
blast007would there be an advantage to doing the Apple developer stuff through a company account instead of an individual?01:51
*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag02:14
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OkinaMataraThe real shortcut could easily be the following, rolling out IPv6 support which requires registration to work.03:19
OkinaMataraHi Juest!03:19
Juestno OkinaMatara, rolling ipv6 is too big of a breaking change03:19
Juestit breaks all existing bzflag clients03:19
OkinaMataraJuest: Yes, I know it would break all 2.4.x clients.03:20
Juestso bye old xp users03:20
OkinaMatarathey can switch to ReactOS03:20
bz-nextI don't even have ipv603:21
bz-nextwhen will the world accept ipv6 is dead and just embrace NAT forever03:22
OkinaMataraIPv6 was a horrible idea from the onset, whoever came up with it should have been shipped to a deserted island for the sake of public benefit.03:22
OkinaMatarawell, in short, I'm not really sure what exactly prevents working IPv6 support for the next major release03:23
OkinaMataraIf it's related to complexities with the ban process, having IPv6 only work with global auth would be one solution. (You can't use IPv6 connection as unverified, which prevents abuse.)03:25
OkinaMataraand that would be while all needed time frame to build the logistics for IPv6 management/bans is underway03:26
OkinaMataraIPv4 would still be supported/default during this.03:26
Juestnat is a cancer idea03:26
OkinaMataraPort forwarding is the issue, makes it hard to run/manage stuff.03:27
OkinaMataraEasiest solution for IPv4 would have just been adding a few more digits, something sensible.03:29
OkinaMatarabut nope, IPv6 and alphabet soup of networking03:29
AgathaIPv6 *is* basically just IPv4 with more digits, tho03:31
OkinaMataraExcept in a form which causes way more issues than it is worth. (Security, logistics..etc)03:32
OkinaMataraIt reminds me of where I read of an IPv6 block by IP range of some sorts, but simply changing format meant connections were allowed03:33
OkinaMataraThis issue wasn't present on IPv4, it is IPv6 specific.03:33
bz-nextmaybe in 20 years ipv6 will be mandatory03:37
OkinaMataraIt's probably mankinds biggest mistake.03:37
bz-nextwikipedia says china will phase out ipv4 by 203003:40
OkinaMataraonly some years away03:41
macsformenot sure what your complaint is with IPv6, OkinaMatara, unless it's with the hexadecimal numbering system... although there have clearly been adoption/implementation challenges03:50
OkinaMataramacsforme, it's related to the side effects/purposes of hexadecimal being used03:54
OkinaMatarasimilarly, it is a very self-contradictory idea to some extent, at least in the abstract03:54
macsformeblast007: an organization-based Apple account/keys sound worth looking into... I don't necessarily assume there would be cost savings, but it's worth investigating for the sake of potentially sharing access03:54
macsformeIPv6 is "probably mankinds biggest mistake"... got it04:06
OkinaMataraI could write a whole list, but just one of many: It is simpler/more secure to use decimal, storage/network improvements make it sensible to do so. Hexadecimal == more effient network wise, but at the tradeoff of using additional computing power + added uncertainty, which is less secure.04:10
OkinaMataraWhich doesn't make sense of using those minor "space/network" gains instead of more security/less uncertainty. (Especially when networking and storage has increased drastically.)04:12
OkinaMataraI can't say if this is done on purpose, but it certainly is a side effect of the logic used in IPv6.04:13
OkinaMataraMore components == more likely for things to go wrong. (Basic engineering law.)04:14
OkinaMatarabzfs.cxx has 4 duplicates of logic with "MsgTimeUpdate" which can be served with a utility function.04:18
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OkinaMatarasaves about 2 lines of code total, but the cleanup simplifies understanding of logic by a large extent04:22
macsformeyou seem to believe that IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are stored and transmitted as character strings... I believe this is generally not the case04:25
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macsformesame thing regarding there being any concept of numbering systems (decimal, hexadecimal) in computer memory, where data is simply stored in units of bytes04:27
JuestOkinaMatara: ips characters is a human thing, computers do ip addresses in binary, hexadecimal representations is also a human thing04:29
OkinaMataraI can't find the article, but the gist of it was it was trivial to bypass a blacklist by how many "variations" an IP could be expressed in IPv6 notion04:30
macsformeso an IPv4 address would simply be 4 bytes, while an IPv6 address would be 16 bytes (if my math is right)04:30
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OkinaMatara has the following statement: The full representation may be shortened; for example, 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 becomes 2001:db8::8a2e:370:7334.04:32
OkinaMataraGoing from 5-6 year memory, the details were roughly that on a blacklist was either the full IPv6 address, but connections still could be made to it by using the shorted notion.04:34
macsformethat sounds like an issue of implementation, and not an underlying flaw of IPv6 itself04:35
OkinaMataraVery true, it was specific instance of implementation, but at the same time, it begs a larger question of "why".04:36
OkinaMataraIt's easier to be misused and it's easier for "mistakes" to occur.04:37
OkinaMataraAnd that's something I see as something which isn't an ideal, especially since it has been demonstrated that it is easier for corrupt/bad data to be fed into programs.04:39
OkinaMataraMaybe it's me just seeing something is possible with a lot of generalizations, which tends to be common.04:40
OkinaMataraKnown: -> Probably it sees revival in IPv604:43
OkinaMataraThis in the abstract sense and when taken to its logical extreme.04:43
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AgathaCalling IPv6 "mankind[']s greatest mistake" is definitely a, uh, take.05:07
AgathaFor my part, I'll go on record as saying that it's *NAT* that is cursed, to the extent that a major field of study in network engineering is finding out ways around it (NAT punchthrough, etc.). Moreover, essentially every user-facing network setup issue revolves around a misconfigured NAT, something can't talk to something else through it.05:10
AgathaAnd why is NAT a thing? Because of IPv4! It started as a security thing, but now it's a *necessity* because there are way more devices than IPv4's 2^32 could possibly index, even if it did it sequentially, which it does not.05:10
AgathaBecause of IPv4's limited address space, ISPs have been shilling NAT as a feature, instead of what it should be—an opt-in anonymity measure to avoid ISP fingerprinting. But now it's usually the ISP's router doing the translating!05:13
AgathaIDK much about IPv4 or IPv6, and I'm willing to believe that IPv6 isn't perfect. But, it was also dogfood prototyped through an entire major revision before it was approved by industry experts and codified into a standard. So, imperfect though all works of mankind inevitably are, I speculate it's at least still *pretty good*.05:15
the_mapI think Microsoft Teams is a pretty solid competitor for the biggest mistake06:32
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Lantiziablast007, thanks - someone did go out of their way to play bzflag at the event (not sure who, we had a few people/laptops) as I noticed it open... and we had plenty of other games on there :)08:26
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