IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2024-02-13

*** Cobra_Fast is now away: offline00:02
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*** YukariYakumo <YukariYakumo!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag01:05
*** FastLizard4 is back01:09
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*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard02:01
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*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)04:29
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*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)05:14
Lantiziais there a page with any tips for new players?07:21
Lantiziawe'll be celebrating 'I Love Free Software Day' tonight (most of europe is doing it tomorrow, we'll be a day early - long story)... and I'm loading up some laptops with trisquel and games (including bzflag) so they can be at the party07:22
Lantiziasee ilovefs.org07:22
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*** FastLizard4 is back08:28
*** Cobra_Fast is now away: offline08:51
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blast007Lantizia: we do have a Getting Started page and some flag documentation, but it's probably not the best:
blast007we have some tactics listed for each of the flag types10:34
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*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard11:16
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*** FastLizard4 is now away: GONE - Screen Detached and Disconnected from IRC (I'm probably asleep, at work, or doing something in real life)12:41
Juesthi blast007, how's progress for a release?14:59
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*** Cobra_Fast is now away: offline17:03
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blast007Juest: same place it's been for a while :)17:56
Juestah fair18:15
Juestanything that can be done to help it?18:15
Juestblast007: where i could help in?18:15
blast007Juest: for 2.5, testing the new features/changes would be helpful.  And if there are issues, or something seems incomplete, creating an issue on github would help.  I have *most* of the 2.5 changes listed here, grouped by what they are.
blast007well, it's 2.5 so far ;)18:35
Juestspeaking of which, is the plan to go for 2.6 or continue 2.4?18:35
blast007probably a bit of both18:36
blast007I could see another release or two for 2.4, but then the focus *should* go onto a new major release18:36
Juesti imagine having a release shortly to rollup the fixes to 2.4 so far18:37
Juestthen trying to focus on 2.618:37
Juestbut nobody really plays on 2.4 dev versions, right?18:38
blast007depends what you mean18:38
blast007my game servers always run on the latest 2.4 branch code18:38
Juestno windows users are running 2.4 devel clients18:38
blast007sure, probably true18:39
Juestneither are macos users18:39
Juestits a really niche minority18:39
Juesti mean i do maintain a devel build on here18:40
Juesthm how would i verify scores getting reset when going to observer?18:41
Juestis it possible to switch teams without rejoining yet?18:41
Juestit would be incredibly useful to ask a group of people to have a playtest party18:43
blast007there is some server functionality for switching teams, but it needs some work yet18:44
blast007I think only a plugin can trigger it18:44
Juestis there a config migration mechanism in place?18:45
blast007there is18:45
Juestdoes it require the user to place their 2.4 config in 2.5/2.6?18:45
blast007though depending on how a UI refactor/rewrite goes, we might not bother with migration18:45
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blast007no, the way it has worked historically is that we look for the old config in the old location and migrate/upgrade it to the new location18:46
Juestwhats the plan with the ui remake?18:46
Juestah i see18:46
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Juesthavent really experienced that 18:46
Juestwhen i opened 2.5 for the first time i didnt get migrated18:46
blast007we also do some config upgrades during minor releases18:46
blast007I don't know if I have 2.5 set to migrate the config yet18:47
Juestwhy the switch to premake5?18:48
blast007I want to use RmlUi to replace our UI.18:48
blast007And at the same time, explore how to create a better interface, such as for key binding.18:48
blast007Might also split up the configuration into multiple files.18:49
blast007premake5 is currently just used for the macOS project generation in 2.518:49
blast007I don't personally like premake18:49
Juestthis is a macsforme change right?18:49
Juesti'd rather keep the build system the same for all platforms18:50
Jueststandard make for posix, visual studio nmake for windows18:50
Juestwell, just regular old visual studio and nmake support18:50
Juestor nevermind about nmake support lol18:51
blast007premake isn't a replacement for make or nmake or visual studio18:51
Juestah its like cmake instead?18:51
Juesti forget18:51
blast007premake is a way to make project files for different compilers and platforms18:51
Juestwhat we use for project generation currently?18:51
blast007we don't have a project file generator currently18:52
Juestthoughts on cmake?18:52
blast007I like that better than premake18:52
Jueston mac we are moving towards a brew/port based dependency management?18:54
Juestor that change mentionin brew is for the dependencies seeding when installing from there?18:54
Juestanyways, any suggestions about fixing the libpng generated warnings about argb or something?18:55
blast007the libpng warnings should move to being behind the DEBUG define so only debug builds show them19:47
blast007before we'd do a release of 2.6, we would fix the issues it reports, but I didn't want to needlessly fix textures until we were ready19:48
blast007Fixing some of those issues might effectively alter all the image data, which would inflate the repository size.  And then if we were to replace the textures with, for example, newer high resolution textures, we'd have the previous version *also* in the repo history forever.19:50
blast007We had that happen with the high resolution textures that were added and then removed.19:51
blast007Previously someone also had a pull request that optimized the images. It saved 5MB in the image data, but it also added 23MB to the git repository.19:53
Juestwhy not delete the previous versions?19:53
Juestor do tests locally19:53
blast007because git keeps all the history19:53
blast007if we delete something from the history, it would break forks19:54
blast007there's also Git LFS for storing large files, but there's some limits/quotas around that.19:56
Juestor why not switch to gitlab? :D22:25
blast007they have limits as well23:00
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Juestblast007: but they're a little higher than github23:59

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