IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Thursday, 2023-09-14

ZehraHow do you get the shotID from a server shot, but not in the death event, nor the shot GUID?00:12
Zehra vs
ZehrashotFiredEvent has shotID, serverShotFired has GUID.00:19
ZehraIn the playerDieEvent, it is possible to use the shotID to get the shotGUID, but I'd like to do the reverse of that.00:20
ZehraAnd no, with what I'm doing, it is not viable/workable using the shotGUIDs, their records aren't useful enough for what I'm doing.00:21
ZehraSo is there a known way of getting the shotIDs from GUIDs?00:23
ZehraSince the shotEnded event doesn't provide positional data, the GUIDs expire too early and I don't wish to excessively force "updates" to clients.(A rather ugly solution I'd much rather avoid.) 00:25
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ZehraAnd doesn't provide the shotGUID or shotID.00:42
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BZNotifybzflag: Zehra opened issue #332 "[BZFS API] Function for getting shotID from shotGUID or additional data in bz_eServerShotFiredEvent" (
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allejoI can't help but feel that shotID is a legacy thing that we wanted to move away from and that's why shotGUIDs were introduced. but other parts of the API probably won't have support for that since it's "newish"03:05
allejowhat info are you trying to get out of shots in general and when?03:06
ZehraI'm using the API for firing 'fixed' shots. (Simply the vector for them is {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}.)03:07
ZehraThis gives them an "infinity" lifetime, until they roll over it seems. (256 shots and it seems the last one gets overwritten.)03:08
ZehraWhat happens is that even though these shots are "visible"/"active" to players, the server returns the GUID of "0" as non-existent shots.03:09
Zehraalthough this creates the issue of trying to use them as shots attributed to a flag03:10
Zehrasince no data can be accessed from them anymore03:10
Zehrabut I get on the death event the "shotID", with the killer being the server.03:10
ZehraI can use that, but I can't get the shotID before the death event... which means for trying to attribute shots by the shotID, it doesn't work.03:11
allejothere's no way around the killer being the server for a *server side* shot :p03:11
Zehranah, that's not what I'm looking for ;)03:12
ZehraI'm looking to get the "shotID", so I can easily reassign the killer to a player.03:12
Zehraexcept i can only get the shotGUID from the server shot and not the shotID :p03:13
ZehraIt could work with persisting the "GUIDs", but it doesn't make much sense.03:13
Zehraand i can't look up the shotID from the GUID.03:14
ZehraIt's a weird use case for a glitch, but I suppose others may use it for more complex features.03:15
Zehrawe don't have custom shot lifetimes, which does make it a bit difficult for another work-around.03:17
allejoare you trying to reassign shot owners then?03:22
allejoreassigning owners of shots causes all sorts of problems iirc. the way to handle that is to reassign killerID in the PlayerDieEvent03:25
allejoif bzfs has the limit of 256 shots on the field at a given time, and it "forgets"/erases the oldest shot to prevent overflowing, you'd probably have to keep track of that information yourself somehow in your plugin03:27
allejoor modify bzfs to be able to handle more shots, though I'm not sure what repurcussions there would be for that edit, if any03:27
allejothese are shots that won't move, right? could you keep a map of the locations where these shots exist and if a player dies at that location from a server side shot, then bam. however, that would conflict with other plugins that use server side shots03:29
allejodo shotGUIDs survive longer than shotIDs?03:31
ZehrashotGUIDs last much shorter than shotIDs from testing.03:38
Zehraand my bad, misunderstood by reassigning shot owners. (I'm using the playerDieEvent for this.)03:38
Zehrathey appear to easily last over a minute or more, shotGUIDs last perhaps a several seconds at most, but not much longer03:40
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allejoI'll have to look into shotGUIDs again to see how/where they're being tracked/stored. it'd make sense to improve on that03:43
Zehraperhaps, but also it seems that it's mainly somewhat of an oddity with the client, compare to the server03:44
Zehralooking into tracking player position and comparing death position vs shot position, i did consider it quite a bit, but reliability issues were my concern03:45
Zehraespecially since in essence, these shots aren't tracked at all03:46
Zehra(Although I do usually over-engineer the plug-ins I write.)03:46
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AgathaSidenote, but 256 seems pretty small to me.03:51
Zehra(256 + (20 * 200))03:51
ZehraAgatha, it used to be 30 shots before. :O03:52
Zehranot to mention, a single shot knocks the tank out, and with shield it takes only 2.03:52
ZehraIn theory it's way more, but we just don't quite use it all.03:53
ZehraIn "WorldWeapons.h", we have: #define _MAX_WORLD_SHOTS 25503:56
AgathaA bit weird there's even a limit at all, you ask me. Maybe as a security measure? Could be a million on today's hardware, at least for server (client too, but not the network between them).03:57
ZehraToo many shots lag the players, known factor, also the way the hitscan is done is very different too.03:58
Zehraa.k.a. most FPS games are virtually instant hit, so easy to calculate where it hits, next calculation..etc03:59
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blast007Now I kinda want to see a two-team CTF map with 128 shockwave world weapons on each side that trigger on flag capture :)11:19
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AgathaMap idea: enormous maze with proximity shockwave mines spread throughout. You have to solve the maze, and memorize where the shockwaves are, even if they're like an hour into the maze. No radar, of course. 10/10 would play16:24
blast007"Turn left at the penguin with the bowtie, go straight past the man wearing a red shirt, ..."16:27
Agathaoh no blast, you see it will be a maze of twisty passages, all alike. And dark, of course.16:46
AgathaCome to think of it, wonder if @Grue would be up for it.16:46
blast007black walls, with nolightning, noshadows, noradar16:59
allejoAgatha: I made a script to generate mazes a few years back. it turned out to be lackluster because you can always just follow a wall and it'll eventually get you out17:25
AgathaSounds like you need to explore disconnected components in your maze generation algorithm.17:25
allejoooo i hadn't thought of that17:28
allejoi was reading up on generating labyrinths recently and was going to write a script on that17:28
blast007allejo: A maze is no match for Mashle17:34
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SpringTankthen we have to program a maze solving mouse algo for autopilot22:57
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