IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Monday, 2023-09-04

Juestis yubikey hsm going to be enough for windows and mac?01:08
Juestor i mean, which CA are you planning to use?01:09
Juestwhich CAs does it support01:09
blast007wouldn't be for mac I don't think01:09
blast007I'm not real familar with how it works for mac, but I think it's tied to a developer account01:10
blast007I don't have one01:10 EV code signing supports yubikey01:12
Juestoh true, for mac you need to have a developer account and stuff01:12
Juestespecially for things such as notorization01:12
blast007and I guess I meant Yubikey FIPS, not Yubikey HSM01:12
Juesti see01:12
Juestnot familiar01:12
Juestbut i heard the name01:12
blast007hardware security token01:13
Juestya, i mean im not familiar with the product but i know what it is :)01:13
blast007"Private keys will be stored on a Yubico FIPS 140-2 validated security key."01:17
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag01:19
ZehraRelating possibly to:
ZehraI heard that drawInfo was never truly completed/finished to some extent. This may explain some of the bugs seen with it.03:12
ZehraAdditionally, it may be related to the bugs of where "/saveworld" does not properly grab a world with drawInfo.03:12
ZehraPerhaps these bugs are linked in some manner. I have not looked very closely into it, as my expertise on this is limited.03:14
blast007Zehra: I was also seeing crashes in other areas03:15
Zehrablast007: True, but most of the keywords within the paste seem to be related/associated with world/mesh/drawinfo.03:18
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ZehraI'm not sure of how well this is reproduced with other worlds, so I can't currently factor that in. But at the same time, I somewhat feel that it mainly triggers on a few factors, otherwise the bug should be more common.03:20
ZehraOn second thought, this seems to be an older bug.03:25
BZNotifybzflag: Zehra commented on issue #128 "Client crash when hitting Connect multiple times" by Juesto ( For additional history. This bug has been covered in the forums bef...03:37
ZehraJuest: If possible, can you try reproducing the bug with a clean config file. (I'd like to disregard the possibility of corrupt or modified configs triggering a crash.)03:37
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JuestZehra: okay!, what in the config you think would affect things?03:47
Juestblast reproduced this crash too03:47
ZehraJuest: Around 3 forum threads indicate the possible link of crashes and configs. Reproduction of the bug with default configs will isolate this possibility.03:50
Juestim not sure if blast007 tested with dirty or clean configs03:51
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Juestoh fun, dependencies are set to not produce pdbs on release builds03:52
ZehraThe cache, config, multiple BZFS on a single "server", crash on connect by not using "Find Server"... possible causes of crashes.03:56
ZehraI wonder if they are possibly linked in any way. Or are related in some form.03:58
JuestZehra: those look like all unrelated different problems, not exactly this bug03:58
JuestI don't think they're related03:58
ZehraJuest: I know, but I see them unrelated, but related in a different matter. Mainly corruption of data.03:59
ZehraLike when you try to connect from one server and connect to another while it is loading, are both servers on the same "server". (BZFS instance(s) on a single server.)04:00
ZehraSince I know you can get/mess with bullets/shots specifically by IP to some extent.04:01
ZehraCrash on connect, is the lookup working right or correctly while attempting to connect to the next server.04:02
Juestin this case, im crashing by attempting to reconnect to the same server04:07
Juestalso im not crashing on default config04:07
Juestso thats interesting04:07
Juestbut also04:07
Juestim joining worlds that likely dont use drawinfo04:07
Juesti just crashed :)04:08
Juestc++ EH exception04:08
ZehraSo we may have two different types of bugs, but same outcomes.04:08
Juestall those forum posts are different bugs04:09
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Juestwe'll never know what their issues were because of inconclusive information04:09
ZehraTrue, but I mainly am using them for reference on possible causes.04:09
Juest0018e314 0059bc90 VCRUNTIME140!_CxxThrowException(void * pExceptionObject = 0x0018e324, struct _s__ThrowInfo * pThrowInfo = 0x0061bca4)+0x66 [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcruntime\src\eh\throw.cpp @ 74]04:10
Juest0018e330 0018e378 bzflag!__scrt_throw_std_bad_alloc(void)+0x1c [d:\agent\_work\3\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\heap\throw_bad_alloc.cpp @ 35]04:10
JuestWARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong.04:10
Juest0018e334 0046fc66 0x18e37804:10
Juest0018e378 0046f946 bzflag!ScoreboardRenderer::newSortedList+0x5604:10
Juest0018e390 00436a33 bzflag!ScoreboardRenderer::getLeader+0x5604:10
Juest0018e420 0048e0f6 bzflag!Roaming::buildRoamingLabel+0xa304:10
ZehraData corruption in this case, most likely winds up loading conflicting data.04:11
ZehraAre the servers the same game mode type on the same server?04:12
ZehraAlso, how much does the delayed crash differ in speed from the normal crash speed?04:12
Juestno, im reconnecting to the same server04:12
Juestcrashed during preparing world this time04:15
Zehranow we got close to realizing the bugs nature to some extent04:15
Juestim still doing the same thing all this time04:16
Juesti think those forum posts are unrelated04:16
Juestand i'll give you that it could be a cache problem04:16
Juestbecause maps where it crashes it usually has custom content04:16
Juestill try disabling automatic downloads04:17
ZehraI'm also thinking it may be a form of a logic problem too... relating to how it loads the map and player list...04:18
Juestblast007 already said this is a freed memory issue04:18
Juestthat has nothing to do with it04:18
Jueststack traces arent always accurate04:18
ZehraMopar says that it loads the first world, but the second worlds playerlist.04:20
ZehraSame bug happens when you try it, but on the same server.04:20
Juestyeah you cant reliably do it on the same server04:21
Jueston different servers i mean04:21
Juestyou need to have a too slow of a connection for it to be achieveable04:22
ZehraOr the world to be sufficiently large.04:22
Zehra(in file size)04:22
Juestworlds load quick for me04:22
Juestalso, something else, im not crashing now that i disabled auto downloads04:23
Juestmaybe its not drawinfo but textures04:26
Juesti just crashed out of nowhere04:26
Zehrakeep note of how the delays and the crashes vary in timing by configurations04:27
JuestPlayer:getId stacktrace04:27
Juestits very random and inconsistent04:27
Zehrawe'll get closer to isolating the logic of the crashes04:27
Zehralikely we'll find around 3-5 different bugs of a similar nature04:28
Juestits spewing FEEEFEEE and DDDDDDD magic words as blast said04:29
Zehrai'll check in later04:31
Zehraa bit late for me04:32
Zehrakeep note of the timings on the bugs and the config settings used04:32
Zehrait may be a useful reference point04:33
Zehraa.k.a. we can see settings and their logic application or non-application in how fast a crash occurs04:34
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macsformenice video, blast007 :-P05:12
Juesthi :)05:29
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BZNotifybzflag: ODelusion commented on issue #128 "Client crash when hitting Connect multiple times" by Juesto ( Spray and pray here, but my guesses....11:35
BZNotifybzflag: ODelusion commented on issue #128 "Client crash when hitting Connect multiple times" by Juesto ( Spray and pray here, but my guesses....11:37
Optic_Delusionwell, i obviously didn't read up11:49
Optic_Delusionuntil too late11:49
blast007I think the issue is that we're not fully cancelling the previous join and resetting the state.  So we free some memory, but the connect is still happening, and it tries to read variables that have been freed by the partial cancellatio.n12:08
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Juestwhy are there forum sections that are restricted?14:18
Juestcan i ask for access?14:36
blast007are you referring to a topic you can no longer see?14:57
blast007the quake 1 thread?14:58
Juestyeah, the discord webhook or bot is showing topics that are restricted14:59
Juestwhat's up with that?14:59
Juestand hi blast15:00
Juestit seems that having downloads enabled makes it more likely to crash15:00
Juestor perhaps its just a fluke on my end and the crash delays more because i have low free ram15:01
Juestand its paging to disk a lot15:01
Juestwhat happened? was it deleted or something?15:02
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blast007the author of those posts is a rather terrible human that has been previously banned, so they were banned again and I moved the thread to an archive section15:10
JuestI see15:11
blast007terrible human in the sense that they very vocally wish violence upon women, for instance15:11
Juestthe archive section is restricted it seems?15:12
blast007it's a dumping ground for admins15:12
Juesti see15:14
Juestmany forums open the archive for public shaming15:14
Juesthow its going btw?15:15
Juesti was curious to read what they said15:22
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Juestblast007: did you try the crash with a clean config?15:39
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tuponeif/when reviewing dependency, can we add glm 19:22
blast007tupone: to 2.4?19:24
blast007Juest: nope19:25
blast007well, I suppose it *was* a mostly default config on my Windows system cuz that was a VM19:26
blast007I may have turned down some graphics settings due to the lower performance19:26
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Juesthey blast007 what did i miss?20:56
Juesthow it's going20:56
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*** yuitimothy is now away: I've done some soul-searching and I still can't find it.22:21
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