IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Sunday, 2023-09-03

*** Cobra_Fast is now away: vacant00:41
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*** BulletCatcher <BulletCatcher!~bc@user/bulletcatcher> has left #bzflag (tank sank)04:55
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BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: atupone pushed 1 commit (
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: atupone 20cfe5: do not use gnu extensions (
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*** FastLizard4 is now away: GONE - Screen Detached and Disconnected from IRC (I'm probably asleep, at work, or doing something in real life)11:38
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blast007oh god, what has science done14:23
blast007wonder how long it'll take to load a 200MB BZW file14:29
SpringTankhow did you do that?14:49
blast007each pixel is a meshbox, and I created a dynamicColor with a sequence for red/green/blue that matched up with the frames of the video at that pixel location, and assigned it via a material to the coresponding meshbox14:51
blast007The resolution is 120 x 9014:52
blast007I tried to redo it at 480 x 360 at the full 30 FPS instead of 6 FPS, and.. let's just say that I'd need more RAM (or a more optimized script) to do that one..14:55
*** Agatha is now away: away15:02
blast007oh, actually this was 15 FPS, not 615:08
SpringTanksounds easier to just implement animations directly into bzflag...15:58
SpringTankbut that's really clever15:58
blast007I was bored this morning :)16:05
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Juestthank you blast00716:57
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*** yuitimothy is now away: I've done some soul-searching and I still can't find it.17:22
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blast007Juest: I don't think the dynamicColors syntax allows specifying a sequence of specific red, green, or blue values, so I don't think full color video would be possible  :)17:24
Juestoh well17:31
Juestgood to know17:31
blast007either way, not really a practical solution for anything, but good for a funny meme17:31
Juestyeah i agree17:32
blast007you could have a creepy parking garage with flickery lighting though17:32
Juestah yes, imagine a garage in bz17:33
Juesthow would you implement tanks driving on slopes?17:34
blast007or an animated neon sign:
blast007no slopes, only teleporters to the next/previous levels :)17:34
Juestim genuinely wondering if its possible to implement in this design17:35
blast007if I start documenting the map format on the new site, I'll probably start with the more advanced stuff like this17:37
blast007dynamicColor, textureMatrix, physics, drawInfo17:39
blast007because people can figure out a box17:40
Juestwell include basics too17:40
blast007I would cover everything eventually17:40
Juestnot everyone knows how to make a box in bzw17:40
Juestfair enough17:40
Juesthow its going btw?17:40
Jueststill busy with work or..?17:41
blast007yeah, at work right now17:41
blast007I should probably do some :)17:41
Juestheh, good luck. it must be a chill day over there17:41
Juestlooking forward for fixing that bug17:42
blast007there's probably only few other people here right now17:42
Juestshould i check if i crash on macos with the drawinfo issue?17:43
blast007I imagine it would.  Somewhere we're trying to read freed memory, that tends to be a good way to create cross-platform crashes :)17:44
JuestI see17:44
Juestdo dev builds break network compatibility?17:46
Juestwhy often servers are running dev versions?17:46
blast0072.5 breaks network compatability17:48
blast0072.4 "dev" builds do not17:48
Juestthat is master vs 2.4?17:49
blast007many servers run self-compiled versions with the latest 2.4 from github, so they'll show as 'dev' versions17:49
Juestis there any advantage of running self-compiled vs packaged?17:50
blast007bzexcess, for instance, updates and restarts every time new commits are pushed17:50
blast007the advantage is that it's newer17:50
Juestbut the code didnt change?17:50
blast007with Debian, for instance, it will never get a new version in Debian 1117:50
blast007yeah it did17:50
Juestoh fair, so basically keeping up with development17:50
blast007the packaged version might be several versions behind17:51
Jueston linux i understand17:51
Juestbut windows or mac?17:51
blast007there are likely 0 Windows servers on the list17:51
blast007and might also be 0 mac server17:52
blast00799% is linux, with maybe a handful of bsd17:52
blast007well, if you're running out of a datacenter somewhere, linux is the cheaper option17:52
Juestare there improvements in clients that arent on the packaged versions?17:52
blast007check the changelog17:53
Juestwell yeah beyond that linux is superior than windows networking-wise17:53
Juestchangelog as in github commits?17:53
blast007we had some bugs in Windows that I *think* we might have fixed that caused running servers to have more issues17:53
blast007I can't recall if that was fixed in 2.4 though17:54
Juestalso to check out crashes in release bzflag im better off with a self-compile with pdbs right? why are the pdbs not included in the final output and can it be enabled?17:54
blast007there was an issue with calculating elapsed time that only happened when running a server, so time ran at the wrong speed in bzfs which broke stuff17:54
blast007I don't know enough about that to know how that even works..  I'd think that a release build wouldn't be able to be debugged even if you have some PDBs next to it.17:55
blast007we used to ship the debug build on macos because of how crashy it was :)17:56
Juestwhy? i've been able to check out stacktraces easily with pdbs on release17:56
Juesti understand that release may be harder to debug but nothing stops it from being debuggable17:57
blast007never tried17:57
blast007I just tend to run in debug when I'm testing17:57
Juestthats fair, you could have edge cases where it wouldnt crash on debug but does on release17:57
blast007yes, we have before17:58
blast007some of those I might have tracked down with the help of static analysis tools17:58
Juestits not a bad idea to debug a release build as well :)17:58
Juestgood to know that there's helpful analysis tools to debug release builds beyond the traditional debugging scenario17:59
blast0072.4.4 fixed a LOT of crash bugs because we had someone actively searching for them so they could crash clients and servers, so we put a lot of effort into fixing them and finding any others before they did18:00
Juestwonder how did this drawinfo one slipped18:00
Juesti guess nobody bothered to spam connect18:00
Juesti think i'll begin to self-compile bzflag and copy the pdbs18:02
Juestsince the packaged release has no pdbs in it18:02
Juestnor are there pdbs available nor any debug information on the releases/binaries18:02
Juestweird that i had the incompatible pdb format and the compile didnt delete the old ones18:04
Juesti guess that was because i last compiled it when it was on vs 201518:04
Juestwhy people play on old versions of bzf?18:37
blast007some people still run Windows XP18:37
blast007some don't care about upgrades as long as it still works18:38
Juestokay, what version of bzf dropped support for xp?18:44
Juestand, does it technically still work if you build with the xp compilers?18:44
Juestwhy sometimes the textures cache just fails?18:45
Juestit says 0kb when downloading and it throws errors afterwards18:45
Juesthad a fps drop/freeze when a lot of gms exploded/collided18:48
blast0072.4.4 dropped XP19:09
blast007mainly because I didn't want to add OpenSSL to the build dependencies, which would have also needed Perl :)19:09
blast007what error does the texture download show when it fails?19:11
Juesti lost the message19:18
Juestbut basically the data is corrupt/empty and not loaded19:19
Juestlol i got a runtime error message because of the reconnect crash with drawinfo maps19:20
Juesti wish its possible to save settings when you exit options dialog19:20
Juestwhen you exit options menu19:20
blast007you can manually save the options in the options menu19:26
BZNotifybzflag: atupone synchronized pull request #306 "Add plugin system in python" (
Juesti know, i'd rather have it save automatically every time i esc out of options19:37
*** FastLizard4 is back19:50
*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard20:02
Juestblast007: bzfs pdb on msvc has a dot prefix20:32
Juesti mean the folder is prefixed by a dot20:32
Juestabout x64 on dependencies, it seems like for regex, glew and sdl2 it is actually built in 64 bits20:42
Juestthe rest don't have if %ARCH%=x86 statements20:42
Juestoh nevermind20:42
Juesti see the %ARCH%20:42
Juestonly zlib and pdcurses seem to not build 6420:43
blast007how are you checking that?20:51
Juestlooking into the bat file20:52
Juestdidnt look into the makefile20:52
blast007the DLLs are 64-bit20:53
Juestoh interesting, and they work on 32 bits too it appears?20:54
blast007no, I mean the DLLs it built when I told it to do 64-bit did build 64-bit20:55
Juestoh okay, how does that work?20:55
blast007what do you mean?20:56
Juesthow does it build 64 bits when x64 is specified?20:57
Juestarch is specified in the makefile?20:57
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Juestim also noticing, does zlib build the same dll for debug and release?20:59
blast007yeah, zlib does the same thing for both20:59
Juestand the build directory for x64 is the same as 32 bits or not?20:59
Juestwhich nsis is required for the installer?21:00
blast007the output directory is different21:00
Juestah good21:00
Juesti mean the actual build directory is also different?21:00
blast007I don't know if it's possible to build both the 32-bit anc 64-bit dependencies without cleaning between the two21:00
Juestthe directory where the build artifacts go21:00
Juesti think i've tried in the past and i could do that21:00
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blast007I had just compiled 64-bit then copied the output-* directories out and cleaned and then built 32-bit21:01
Juesthow did it go?21:01
blast007it seemed to work, but I also didn't verify that every .lib is 64-bit21:02
Juestshould be quick and minor to update: bzfs pdb path in the vcxproj is .$(OutDir)bzfs.pdb21:03
Juestthat stray dot is making it go to a separate folder21:04
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BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: blast007 pushed 1 commit (
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: blast007 ec5129: Remove stray period from PDB path (
blast007the latest NSIS should work fine21:51
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Juesti checked its nsis 322:44
Juestis there anything i could help with 2.5 development?22:49
blast007I can't even recall where we left off with 2.522:50
blast007I did notice that there's some bug with 2.5 that causes jitter to be a lot higher22:50
blast007well, and now today it's not doing it, of course..22:52
Juesti could try on my hampered machine22:54
Juestwhich surprisingly i dont have a high jitter22:54
Juestalso, yeah i can confirm that the tris and rtris counters are borked on release but work properly on debug22:55
blast007a few weeks back when I had tried it, I was getting over 30 ms jitter on 2.5, but only like 2 ms on 2.4, to the same servers22:55
blast007(well, to different bzfs instances, but on the same VPS, I mean)  :)22:55
Juestthoughts on the auto updater mechanism?22:56
Juestbundling it into the client should be easy22:56
Juestespecially since we have curl22:56
Juestlooked into projects22:57
blast007we technically already have an auto-updater on Windows, but I don't use it22:57
Juestlibpng and openal along with ipv622:57
Juesthow is it and why?22:58
Juesthow about mac and linux?22:58
blast007it just reads the MOTD and if it sees an upgrade line it offers to download the installer and run it22:58
blast007but it doesn't check any kind of signature or anything22:59
Juestare the releases/installers signed yet?22:59
Juesthow about checking a hash?22:59
blast007even our mac builds haven't been signed for some time22:59
blast007I was looking at signing the Windows builds so that we don't get blocked by SmartScreen23:00
Juestoh right, signing is important on macos and windows because of the user protections that prevent the game from running23:00
blast007I have a Yubikey HSM that at least some of the CA's support, and I have a LLC registered so I could get an EV certificate23:00
Juestis this going to land mid-2.4 or is it for 2.6?23:01
blast007my motivation :)23:03
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