IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Sunday, 2022-03-27

blast007how does this look?
*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag01:16
SpringTankthat looks nice02:28
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*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)03:44
allejoI'd make each option separate "buttons"04:03
blast007like that?
*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has quit IRC (Quit: Quit.)04:30
macsformeyeah looks good08:15
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)09:43
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag11:07
BZNotifymaster @ blast007 pushed 2 commits (
BZNotifymaster @ blast007 c6adb7: Escape brackets in releases to fix warnings (
BZNotifymaster @ blast007 4450c9: Rework latest downloads. (
*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag15:54
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag17:59
*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)20:06
*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@2601:2c5:c680:87a0:3210:b3ff:fef0:93af> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)21:50
*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@2601:2c5:c680:87a0:3210:b3ff:fef0:93af> has joined #bzflag21:59
SpringTankPossible new feature in the future: Ability for the server to change Moto's in real time.22:09
blast0072.99.x had that, IIRC22:15

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