IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2021-12-14

Optic_Delusionmacsforme  I build in a unique way.   To my collision geometry I apply a 100% transparent texture (matref invisible). and then build the visually displayed representations of those objects using drawinfo.  in the past, as much as 90 percent of the map used that technique. But this year's TWO-ONE version was built by WHAMMO, and I applied that technique to only a few objects.00:00
Optic_DelusionIf you look a little harder, you will still be able to find objects that appear and disappear, but i do not think drawinfo is the problem.   I think it's non-triangulated faces.  I'm about to paste.... 00:02
Optic_Delusionthey look like this. 00:03
Optic_Delusion lod #000:04
Optic_DelusionlengthPerPixel 0.000100:04
Optic_Delusionmatref suntrust_pyrs00:04
Optic_Delusionpolygon 0 1 2 300:04
Optic_Delusionend #matref00:04
Optic_Delusionend #lod 000:04
Optic_Delusiondisplay lists that are too long,, dlist should be limited to 12 in a string?     dlist00:06
Optic_Delusiontris 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 25 24 33 34 29 28 35 32 31 36 37 38 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 44 43 47 42 41 48 49 50 49 48 51 24 52 53 26 52 2400:06
Optic_Delusionmy outer fence and the billboards are pure drawinfo that is properlu triangulated, and there have never been any problem with those.00:09
SpringTankquestion, what's the advantage to using drawinfo this way?04:12
SpringTankI know drawinfo is more effecient for rendering, but unless you have the collision object not render at all rather than using a complete transparent texter then there is no point (unless bzflag just simply doesn't render fully transpartent faces at all)04:13
SpringTankI know in other game engines that if you wanted a face to not be seen you would use a "no render" brush on that face or something of the like.04:14
macsformeI'll try to look into it further... it may just be the meshbox, and unrelated to the drawinfo06:27
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Optic_Delusionreading the wiki, I see the argument "striplimit" with the recommended setting of 16.  Now that will be applied only to tristrips, which I have never used. But i feel there should also be a limit to "tris" in a dlist string. 12:54
Optic_DelusionI have no real information about that, just a guess12:55
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AgathaTriangle strips can easily have millions of elements; I must not understand what the thing means16:49
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Optic_DelusionI'm pretty sure that passing only 16 triangles in single tristrip was Trepan's suggestion.22:43
Optic_DelusionJeff is the one who added drawinfo capability to modeltool. 22:46
Optic_DelusionAs long as I'm throwing names around... Looks like Thumper is here.22:50
Optic_Delusionnever thought I'd say that again.22:50
Optic_DelusionSpringTank  I use a simple mesh for the collisions and a much more complex mesh for the drawinfo, allowing much eye candy while not lagging collision detection.  With the added benefit of being able to change the way something looks without any danger of fouling up the mesh that tanks drive on.  22:56
Optic_DelusionThis started with my large platform mesh with a hole in it for a base. Believe me, it's not always easy to place a base next to a mesh and have tanks drive between the two without a bump.  You get floating point drift error, one CPU will calculate a decimal in one way, and another CPU does it a slightly different way. What works for me, might not work for somebody else, and _maxBumpHeight won't help.23:01
SpringTanki see23:01
Optic_DelusionOnce I got that platform mesh to "work", I didn't want to take any chances that I'd misplace a point while applying textures.23:04
Optic_DelusionDrawing the meshes is not what makes your framerate skip, it's ColDet that does it. (more than) A few years ago I did some tests and found that BZFlag becomes unplayable at about 30,000 faces.23:07
Optic_DelusionBut I could get the same framerates with pure drawinfo (no ColDet) of about 70,000 faces23:08
Optic_DelusionANd I don't think anything in BZFlag has changed since then, I'd be willing to bet that BZ still chokes at about the same point, no matter your faster CPU today.23:09

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