IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Monday, 2021-12-13

macsformealright, I got bz to build natively on the M1... it was fairly straightforward05:19
macsformefirst of all, in my very rudimentary testing, there's an approximately 20% increase in framerate compared to the Intel build running under Rosetta05:20
macsformeas far as the OO low framerate bug, it was still present in the native M1 build... also, it only seems to affect meshboxes (or meshes? whatever Apocalypse has in the corners of the map), and not standard 1.x boxes, pyramids, etc.05:23
macsformeand it's pretty bad... the framerate would drop from around 160 to 7-8 at times05:24
SpringTanksounds to me like there is some maths thats only being done in those boxs takes longer on those processors vs everything else.05:29
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blast007macsforme: have you tried this on other mesh worlds or on a simple map with test objects to drive through?  Apoc might use DrawInfo which could be a source of the problem if it's fine on other worlds.13:30
blast007MeshSceneNodeGenerator does do additional stuff if the mesh is using DrawInfo.  I'm not sure if that stuff is per-frame though.13:35
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag14:38 RighthandSon opened pull request #47 "More documentation descriptions" ( RighthandSon review_requested pull request #47 15:52 RighthandSon review_requested pull request #47 15:52 RighthandSon review_requested pull request #47 15:52
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macsformeyeah that's a good point... I don't really know how those objects are constructed, and I haven't seen the behavior on any other maps18:35
macsformemaybe Optic_Delusion can shed some light on it18:35

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