IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2021-12-07

BZNotifybzflag: blast007 opened issue #295 "Rendering issue when using SDL1" (2.4.24 -
BZNotifybzflag: blast007 self-assigned issue #295 (2.4.24 - )03:47
BZNotifybzflag: blast007 labeled issue #295 as bug (2.4.24 - )03:47
BZNotifybzflag: blast007 milestoned issue #295 (2.4.24 - )03:47
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)07:15
*** DTRemenak <DTRemenak!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)07:17
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)08:15
allejomy favorite part about building the bz site as the authoritative source for docs is that I can write scripts to download said docs as JSON or YAML and include it in my other projects08:41
allejoI totally didn't plan for this or anything08:41
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag13:45
*** DTRemenak <DTRemenak!> has joined #bzflag17:32
*** Wow <Wow!~Wow@2407:7000:8d8a:1e00:2cb3:339a:ce31:b931> has joined #bzflag22:04
*** Wow <Wow!~Wow@2407:7000:8d8a:1e00:2cb3:339a:ce31:b931> has quit IRC (Client Quit)22:06
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag23:04
*** Sgeo_ <Sgeo_!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag23:39
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)23:42

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