IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Sunday, 2021-07-18

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JeffM[m]heh, just found out that the lead developer of our physics engine at work is also the author of Box2d.03:20
macsformeblast007: I don't think it would have to change our distribution model, but if we want to distribute via the app store eventually, this would help us get there... an automatic updater (other than the app store) would probably be easier to do too, I would imagine03:33
macsformeI've seen other applications do that, but I'm not sure exactly what it entails03:34
JeffM[m]app store may be your only option at some point, so getting ready for that is a good idea03:37
macsformeif Epic Games has their way, there could at least be multiple app stores ;-)03:51
JeffM[m]we can dare to dream03:51
JeffM[m]I think the best that could happen would be allowing other in app payment systems.03:57
JeffM[m]sorry 'most reasonable thing apple will allow' not 'best'03:57
macsformeyeah, that aspect is what looks a bit too self-serving on Apple's part04:04
macsformealthough I guess they can still argue the security factor of allowing 3rd-party payment services04:04
JeffM[m]yeah, I think they'll allow "some" people to do third party payments, after they have been vetted04:05
macsformevery benevolent of them to care so much about our payment security04:05
JeffM[m]the 30% is what powers their courage.04:06
JeffM[m]I do think it's frustrating all the different ways that platforms want you to distribute things. It can be very hard for games. Like the old Debian package method really does not work for an online game that needs to be kept up to date with global services.04:12
blast007I'm like 50% done with a phpBB extension that will assist with allowing registration outside of the forums.04:57
blast007one possible option would then be in-game registration04:58
blast007still need to figure out how captcha would work in that situation04:59
blast007and email activation..04:59
blast007but, another option would be moving registration/login to a game launcher05:00
blast007the launcher would handle storing an authentication session token that the actual game would read05:01
BZNotifybzflag: macsforme commented on issue #286 "App Signing on macOS; aka "cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified"" by allejo ( I am unable to reproduce this on my machine with Big Sur 11.4.  Aft...05:02
blast007launcher could handle automatic updates on non-app-store installs05:18
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*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag19:50
Agatha@allejo, I think---suggestion: please remove SB from Marjima Airfields, or at least add a shot limit? As it is, it is possible to perfectly camp the landing runway: they can shoot people before they land, so there is no chance to fight back, and do it from the interior of their base, where they are completely protected. Precluding the runways basically removes any interesting aspect of the gameplay.20:28
BZNotifyAgatha: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).20:28
allejoI can add a shot limit to it22:41
allejoiirc, the tactic to fight that is either with ST, CL, or spray and pray with SB as soon as you land22:41
allejowait, SB already has a shot limit of 3022:51
blast007is there a KillLimit plugin?22:55
OkinaMataraKillLimits might be a good option there.23:04
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