IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Monday, 2021-07-05

*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has quit IRC (Quit: Quit. (Some day I'll get an IRC bouncer.))02:00
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macsformesooo... does our master branch have a path forward? or is this 2.99 all over again?16:31
macsformethe investment/reward ratio for any in-depth work right now (which we expect to go into the master branch) is very low without any clear path toward a timely release16:32
macsformeI know everyone probably has a mental or written list of critical 2.6 projects... mine is: 1) macOS app store/signing/notarization compatibility, check JeffM[m]'s projects from a few years ago for completeness, check tupone's GL 2.0 branch for merging, IPv6 support, dynamic mottos, and check an issue with OBS capturing16:35
macsforme(oops... forgot to number the rest of the list)16:35
tuponemaybe 3d texture instead of mountains16:37
tuponeopenal 16:39
macsformeyeah, geometric mountains would be another good one... I've been playing around with that a tiny bit, but didn't get too far yet16:43
blast007OpenAL does have one difference in that it doesn't take into account the speed of sound to determine *when* you'd hear an audio source.  When you start playing one, it immediately plays.16:44
macsformethe mountains can even be done in a map file in 2.4, using the drawinfo/LOD capabilities we already have, then it could become the default in 2.616:44
tuponejpeg support16:44
tuponethat would be easy16:45
blast007My original attempt at using OpenAL was using the Alure library which is a utility library for OpenAL.  We wouldn't necessarily need to use that though.16:45
blast007I also have code somewhere that adds haptic feedback support for our SDL2 platform16:49
macsformeis anything seriously broken in master that we know of? I vaguely recall a few issues affecting gameplay being mentioned17:03
macsformethese wish lists are an important component of the discussion, but I'm especially trying to gauge the extent of decay in this branch (broken core gameplay, half finished/untested features... anything major roadblocks to releasing it)17:08
blast007it needs some playtesting as I can't recall if there are any issues17:10
blast007the skins are kinda ugly17:10
tuponenot related to 2.6: what is the noGUI BZDB variable ?17:24
blast007It hides most of the user interface.  Mainly useful for screenshots.17:24
tuponeI wonder if it works in GL2.0 :)17:25
blast007(hides stuff like the scoreboard, current flag, time/date, alerts, etc)17:25
blast007I wouldn't see why it wouldn't17:25
blast007we just tell it to not draw stuff17:25
tuponewell, I have never tested in GL2.0. So it should be broken :)17:27
blast007works fine17:32
tuponethank for testing :)17:33
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*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag20:33
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