IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Sunday, 2021-07-04

*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)01:31
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*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag03:41
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macsformefor anyone who was worried, I'm happy to report that BZFlag runs at a very playable 1,400 FPS on an RTX 3070 (with a Ryzen 3800X, at 1080p) ;-P04:46
macsformeor is that *too* fast to be playable, given the bouncing glitch...04:47
the_mapman I wish I could get a 1400Hz monitor :p05:11
Agatha1080p tho. Also, how much multisampling?   :P05:16
* Agatha salty in inferior GPU05:16
the_mapbeen playing Satisfactory, and my poor GTX 1660S / Ryzen 7 3700X are struggling. 30-40FPS in the main areas I've built in, dropping to 20's under some conditions. it's fine in other areas though, although I've capped to 60FPS05:26
AgathaMy RTX 2080 laptop handles bz at some stupid high framerate—always more than 60 fps; who cares—and this is at 2160p and 32x MSAA. Albeit it gets really hot really fast, and the screen is small even if it's high-res. My desktop GTX 1080 also does more than 60 fps at 16x MSAA, and this on my 1440p monitor. There just . . . isn't a lot for even a kindof old GPU to do with bz.05:33
*** BulletCatcher <BulletCatcher!~bc@user/bulletcatcher> has left #bzflag (tank sank)06:17
*** BulletCatcher <BulletCatcher!~bc@user/bulletcatcher> has joined #bzflag07:18
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)08:24
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag10:01
SpringTankyou guys get frame rates?10:49
SpringTankNow do ray tracing in bzflag10:49
blast007someone on a github issue suggested raytracing :P11:05
blast007cuz yeah, let's replace our rendering code with vulkan11:06
SpringTankbzflag is weird with frame rates on some computer hardware configurations. I've gotten mixed results. I'm running a laptop that has more processing power in the CPU and graphics than one of my computers from 10 years ago and it runs worse on my laptop.11:19
SpringTankmaybe bzflag just doesn't like Intel graphics. I mean, what does anyways?11:20
blast007I think on a lot of configurations we're CPU bound11:35
SpringTankbzflag still uses a lot of CPU just for the graphics?13:05
blast007the graphics are mostly simple enough that the GPU doesn't spend much time on it13:05
*** Gollum <Gollum!~Gollum@> has joined #bzflag14:36
GollumI need some help14:36
GollumI put a material to a wall with pink coloring.14:36
GollumEvery single one of them is the same, but one of the block only did one side pink the other normal.14:36
Gollumhow does one even fix that?14:37
blast007is it a box object?14:45
Gollumjust a plain ol box, yep15:20
Gollumbut I asked Bertman and he came and looked. Its all normal for him15:20
Gollumso my pc and bz just hate me15:20
*** Gollum <Gollum!~Gollum@> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed)15:49
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag17:14
*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag19:51
*** disco <disco!~disco@> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)20:50
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*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@2601:2c5:c680:87a0:3210:b3ff:fef0:93af> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)22:42

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