IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2021-06-29

*** Gollum <Gollum!~Gollum@> has joined #bzflag00:56
AgathaIs there a way to get the currently targeted player for a client, as for what their GM would lock onto?01:24
GollumHey blast02:40
Gollumcan u dm me the file for bzbenchwork02:41
GollumI need to edit a map again02:41
blast007which file?02:41
Gollumand have none of my stuff cause new pc setup02:41
blast007Windows version?02:41
Gollumyes please02:42
GollumI just need to locally change and test02:42
Gollumwait that isnt it02:47
GollumI need the thing that allows me to put the file in, then open it up for just me on bz02:48
GollumI forget its name02:48
Gollumdo u remember what that is blast?02:48
blast007you mean the launcher?02:51
GollumI think so, I thought it was something you worked on but said u never finished completely02:51
Gollumbut it did the job02:51
Gollumwas a way to try my map by not actually hosting02:52
blast007  that?02:53
Gollumthats it!02:54
Gollumbless you good sir02:55
Gollumbless you02:55
GollumWhat do I puit in fields again03:43
GollumI dont remember what to put in BZFS.exe03:46
GollumI assume bzflags file location for bzflag.exe03:47
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blast007browse to bzfs.exe for yor installed game04:21
GollumFound it a bit ago, thanks04:32
GollumI am fidgeting now...04:33
Gollumanother question04:53
Gollumhow would one change a pyramid to a like... see thru white colo04:53
Gollumname window04:54
Gollumred limits 1 0.004:54
Gollumred sinusoid 3 2 004:54
Gollumgreen limits 0 0.004:54
Gollumgreen sinusoid 0 0.0 104:54
Gollumblue limits 3 0.204:54
Gollumblue sinusoid 5 0.44333 104:54
Gollumalpha limits 0.85 0.8504:54
Gollumname window04:54
Gollumcolor 1.0 1.3 3.3 1.004:54
Gollumaddtexture mesh.png04:54
Gollumdyncol window04:54
GollumOk I got it, but how do I change the darkness setting when inside05:08
Gollumits like REALLY dark05:08
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SpringTankAgatha, if you can't get that information directly, which you probably can't, you will need player state information and calculate the target in front of the player manually with a bit of maths.09:44
SpringTankshouldn't be too hard.09:45
SpringTankgive me a little bit and I can come up with the equation for that09:45
SpringTankso you remember this: weaponX = tankX + (relativeX * sin(tankRotation)09:54
SpringTankweaponY = tankY + (relativeY * cos(tankRotation)09:54
SpringTanki think you can refactor that to get relative angle between players09:54
SpringTanki could be wrong though, I'm algebraically dyslexic09:55
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AgathaThanks SpringTank, but you misunderstand - I need the player ID of the targeted player. I suppose maybe you could work out the potential target by running through all players and choosing the closest (using math like you talked about), but the issue is the player might not have locked onto anything at all. Although hmmmm, the server must know about it somehow. After all, other clients play a sound when locked onto. So just have to record that, maybe?10:37
SpringTankIt did give me an idea for a multi-lock GM though10:39
SpringTankit's stupid and rediculus, but imagin being able to shoot up to three individually locked GMs10:40
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GollumThanks again Blast, I was able to finish it all around 2am lol11:31
blast007Agatha: I don't think that is exposed to the bzfs API.12:11
blast007also, I think the tracking is technically done per-shot, not per-player-with-GM12:12
tuponeblast007: but if you change aim, all shots goes (or tries to go) to the new12:16
blast007yeah, I mean from the perspective of the ShotManager in the server12:17
blast007each shot has a target12:17
tuponeso aim is global, tracking is per shot12:17
tuponeShotManager in the server? 2.6 ?12:18
blast007no, there's a ShotManager class in 2.412:18
tuponebut the trajectory is computed client side, if I am not wrong12:19
blast007well, a ShotManager.cxx/h, with the class being called Manager in the Shots namespace12:19
blast007yeah, each client calculates the movement of the GM12:19
tuponeyeah the change that I have in one of my fork change a little this computation and was clientside12:20
tuponewhat are containers in github? I get an announcement12:22
blast007though MsgGMUpdate does contain the position, velocity, and time that the shot has existed, which I think the firing client sets and the server passes along12:24
blast007tupone: are they service containers?12:24
tuponeYou can more easily share containers in your organization, set granular access permissions, and anonymously access public container images.12:24
blast007probably some docker thing12:25
tuponecan we setup for free a CI on github ? I mean free from money, not free from man power12:28
blast007doing what exactly?  we already have one that runs a partial Linux build every push12:30
blast007I do want to have it also build the client12:31
blast007and maybe also test on Windows and macOS12:31
tuponeyes. Where are the output of partial Linux build ?12:32
blast007  the checkmark or X next to commits, or the Actions top navigation item.12:33
blast007We're using CodeQL for the builds.12:33
blast007I have the start of some improvements in here:
blast007I was working on getting it to build on Windows.  Had some problem with it building the dependencies, then I started playing around with vcpkg and got side-tracked. :)12:36
tuponeI rememember. It is checking some rules, but it build to do that :)12:36
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Gollumhow would one get a trampoline to pass flag instead of having team flag land on it16:15
Gollumputting a pyra inside it doesnt work16:15
SpringTankisn't there an object per object attribute that you can set to enable flags on a surface?17:29
GollumI want to make team flag pass when its dropped on it, but I did a work around.17:42
blast007you could define safety zones for team flags18:45
Gollumso if I defined 2 safe zones it wouldnt sit anywhere else?18:47
Gollumcause its literally just 4 5x8 squares18:48
blast007I can't recall if safety zones affect how the 'fly to the center' works19:22
blast007safety zones are where the team flag is *allowed* to sit19:23
blast007but those could very well make the flag fly to the nearest safety zone when dropped on an unsafe location, instead of flying to the center19:23
blast007otherwise, a plugin could be used to move the flag to the center if dropped within a zone19:25
allejosafety zones are where team flags go if they are dropped over an "inaccessible spot"19:30
Gollumthats what I need then19:31
Gollumcause I dont want them dropped on a trampoline, cause its troll.19:31
Gollumand everyone loves trolling.19:31
allejomind you, if you reset a flag via a plug-in it will just magically appear. no fly animation19:31
blast007so you don't need it to specifically go to the center, just "not on that trampoline" ?19:32
allejocan a team flag be placed on top of a drive through pyramid?19:32
GollumCorrect, Blast19:32
Gollumno... OH19:32
blast007flags would spawn inside drive-through objects19:32
GollumAllejo this is why you are here.... I never thought of that once.19:33
GollumI put a pyra in the box, but not over it19:33
allejoidk if that behavior is correct tho19:33
blast007drive through objects won't make the flag spawn elsewhere19:33
Gollumwell cant u make it invis?19:33
Gollumbut it will pass it19:33
blast007it will just land inside it19:33
allejodoesn't have to spawn, just be unsafe to land19:33
Gollumif I make the pyra same width tho19:34
blast007if you define one or more safety zones, does that make other areas "unsafe"?19:34
GollumIve never messed with safety zones19:34
GollumSo I am unsure how that would function.19:35
blast007I'd start there, I guess19:35
GollumBut apart from that one thing, the map finally feels completed19:35
GollumI never got to a completed state before leaving bz for awhile19:35
Gollumand it bugged me19:35
GollumSo from 8pm to 2am I sat and indulged myself19:36
allejolemme test when I get home, currently afk19:36
GollumI can send it to u allejo if you want19:37
GollumI will need to read up on safety zones for a moment, but can add em then19:37
allejono need, imma just test the behavior on a local map here19:51
allejoyup i'm right20:01
allejoa team flag dropped on top of a drivethrough pyramid will be considered "unsafe"20:01
blast007oh rly?20:02
allejoand go to the center of the map or the respective safety zone20:02
blast007that's weird20:02
Gollumso if I do a pyra flipped upside down, over the jump pad20:02
Gollumthat would do it.20:02
blast007flags can land on upside down pyramids I think20:02
blast007mmmm, not sure for that20:03
Gollumdrivethru upside down pyra20:03
allejonah. just make an invisible drivethrough pyramid that's like 1 height20:03
allejoand put the pyra on top of the trampoline20:03
Gollumah ok20:03
allejothat being said, we could add a new status to faces that are "unsafe" for team flags. kinda like there's the ricochet status and noradar20:08
Gollumthat would be nice20:11
Gollumcause that would save having to do random stuff like invis pyras 20:12
blast007just give the object a death physics driver ;)20:12
Gollumhahaha that would kill the point of trampoline. (pun intended)20:13
Gollummap is up!20:13
GollumImma test and see if I even need the pyra20:13
blast007"Broke your neck - stay off the trampoline!"20:13
GollumI already have one pun when u fall in the water20:15
Gollumit just says... You "fell" for it20:15
Gollumcause flag passes to a lil platform in the water u gotta get to20:16
Gollumand its not exactly simple20:16
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