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The_Noah | Are there any plans to merge box, meshbox, and meshedbox for 2.6 (same with pyrs)? It's super confusing. I know this would break a lot of maps, but perhaps the old types could just be parsed as the new style? So they are exactly the same, just have multiple ways to "define" them. | 04:21 |
The_Noah | Just so people know there was just a hacker on my server - standard wings and teleporting, you might want to be on the lookout. | 05:29 |
moriah | Nick? | 05:45 |
moriah | The_Noah, out of curiosity what was cheater's nick | 05:53 |
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The_Noah | moriah: Timos | 17:06 |
moriah | Ty ty | 17:20 |
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