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Flash | Saw this in another group. Does it affect us? | 19:25 |
Flash | Cheers, as the project maintainers might know (or not - it was all too poorly announced), travis-ci.org is closing soon and projects should use travis-ci.com instead. I'm still researching in other communities how that actually works, wheter it stays free ro not, etc. | 19:25 |
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allejo | we're not using travis, but the move to travis-ci.com is free for open source stuff. they're just migrating to the same infrastructure (.org and .com had different infrastructures before, i.e. more to maintain) | 22:30 |
blast007 | except on macOS https://blog.travis-ci.com/2020-11-02-travis-ci-new-billing | 22:34 |
blast007 | allejo: I'm not real familar with them, but does this also apply to us? "For those of you who have been building on public repositories (on travis-ci.com, with no paid subscription), we will upgrade you to our trial (free) plan with a 10K credit allotment (which allows around 1000 minutes in a Linux environment)" | 22:36 |
allejo | ooo well that's lame that they're charging for macOS now | 22:38 |
allejo | the only automated builds we have going on right now go through GitHub Actions | 22:39 |
blast007 | more expensive to scale macOS build servers cuz... mac hardware :) | 22:39 |
allejo | we tried using travis at some point but we couldn't get the linux environment to build with SDL2 or something like that | 22:39 |
blast007 | even the density of mac hardware is bad compared to other hardware | 22:39 |
blast007 | I think their Ubuntu was too old | 22:40 |
allejo | yea, so we didn't pursue it any further | 22:41 |
allejo | https://travis-ci.com/github/bzflag-dev we're on there but no builds at all | 22:42 |
allejo | so we're safe from any random charges | 22:42 |
blast007 | https://blog.travis-ci.com/oss-announcement so I guess the above link was before they were merging the .org/.com (or at least, they were referring to the .com repos specifically) "Open source accounts, as always, will be completely free under travis-ci.com." | 22:42 |
blast007 | though with "completely" I'm not sure if they're counting macOS :) | 22:43 |
blast007 | "For reference, travis CI was sold to an investment company some time ago. The strategy is 100% to not improve the infrastructure, fire all the developers to save costs, and milk money from existing customers for as long as possible." https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24964601 | 22:45 |
blast007 | https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2020/travis-cis-new-pricing-plan-threw-wrench-my-open-source-works | 22:47 |
allejo | honestly, that doesn't surprise me. GitHub Actions basically killed the need for external CIs | 22:49 |
allejo | for my work, getting agreements with new vendors takes months. so getting Travis or Circle would have been a huge hurdle. but GHA comes along and fits in nicely with our existing GH plan | 22:50 |
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