IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Friday, 2020-11-20

*** Delusional_ <Delusional_!~Delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional> has joined #bzflag00:24
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*** Delusional <Delusional!~Delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional> has joined #bzflag01:01
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Keiki_Han@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag01:02
DelusionalReporting From the Land of The ARM-processor MAc Mini… first thing I did was download BZFlag, try it… Mostly good things to report.01:08
DelusionalLoumam’s Channel Crossing seems to run perfectly.01:08
Delusionalwith fog and rain.01:08
DelusionalServers with old-style no frill maps… run perfectly.01:10
Delusionalthe only problem’s I’m seeing right off the bat, are with transparency…. teleporters seem fine, but the windows on “ironside battlefeild” are blinking on and off01:13
Delusionalplanet Mofo… that’s another story completely01:13
Delusionalmassive frame jumps… it’s jumping like 6 or 8 frames at a time when i look at the center of the map01:14
Delusionalsome pyramids appear and disappear01:14
Delusionalanything specific you want me to test?01:15
blast007I'd be curious what Rat's Nest looks like and what FPS you get01:16
blast007(with radar and chat console turned on)01:17
Delusional600FPS at mad city, original grape version01:18
JeffM[m]you haven't published your newer GL1.5 branch yet have you?01:18
JeffM[m]but it sounds like they did implement some GL code mapping in Rosetta 201:19
Delusionalit’s giving frame time in fractions of a millisecond, i hvent seen that before… it says “time 1.40/ ms”01:20
blast007JeffM[m]: nope01:20
JeffM[m]wonder if that has better behavor, it may use fewer old calls.01:20
blast007I wonder if they support OpenGL when building native ARM binaries01:21
Delusionalrat’s nest next.. image downloads are slow01:21
blast007yeah.. I think one of my load balancers isn't happy01:21
JeffM[m]that was my next question, is GL only in the translation layer, or did they include headers.01:21
Delusionalrat’s nest is good… no problems with semi-transparent lights…. went into a far corner and it almost holds 60FPS when aimed into the center, goes up to 90 when i turn into the corner01:26
Delusionalnot seeing any problems there, at all.01:27
blast007what resolution?01:27
Delusionali’m on a 1080p plasma TV at the moment01:29
DelusionalBZ says 1920*108001:30
Delusionalno i see some of the brackets on the walls are disappearing and reappearing01:32
Delusionaltried five resolutions in BZ, they all seem good01:32
JeffM[m]yeah, the machine is going to have the HP to run bz, the main question I had was how compatible was the OpenGL Impelmentation.01:33
Delusionalgoing to “medium” quality graphics boosts fps 20 frames01:35
DelusionalWinny’s drawinfo rotatng tanks seem perfect01:36
JeffM[m]Good for apple on implmenting at least a big chunk of GL 1.001:40
Delusionalanything else you want me to test?01:43
JeffM[m]doing a build :)01:46
blast007I'm updating to Xcode 12.2 right now01:47
DelusionalI havent built BZ in almost ten years, I’ll try it if you guide me through it step by step01:47
blast007Delusional: I'll just try it here and see if it even builds01:48
blast007if it does, I'll give it to you to see if it runs01:48
blast007"OpenGL is deprecated, but is available on Apple silicon."
blast007realized I'll need arm64 versions of our dependencies02:56
JeffM[m]blast007: yeah but "However, this support may be removed in a future version of macOS, so migration to newer technologies is recommended."03:03
macsformeDelusional: you said the new Mac mini can't output over 60Hz?03:12
JeffM[m]it's got HDMI03:12
JeffM[m]apple's site says 60hz at 4k via HDMI 2.003:14
blast007I would imagine it can go beyond 60hz at lower resolutions.  HDMI 2.0 just maxes out at 60hz for 4K without dropping to a lower quality subsampling.03:18
blast007HDMI 2.0 can do 144hz at 1440p03:18
macsformeoh HDMI, sure... but why would you do that to yourself? :-P03:32
blast007might be able to do 240hz at 1440p over displayport or 120 at 4k03:32
JeffM[m]yeah the thunderbolt 4 port should go to DP just fine03:32
blast007(I'm looking purely at what DisplayPort 1.4 should be able to do, not necessarily what they allow)03:32
macsformeanyway, whenever Macs get new GPUs there are always graphical glitches at first, so that is not surprising03:33
blast007sounds like you can only have one display connected to the thunderbolt ports though?03:33
JeffM[m]macsforme: except that it's the GPU from an iphone, it's not really "new"03:33
macsformenew in this kind of implementation03:34
JeffM[m]new with this OSs drivers03:34
macsformebzflag runs on my iPhone just fine ;-)03:35
JeffM[m]run that port on the M1 and I bet it runs better ;)03:35
macsformeI bet they still won't support GLES on macOS, even using ARM03:36
JeffM[m]probably not03:36
JeffM[m]I bet they wont' support anything GL unless the have to, and only for one OS cycle03:37
blast007wouldn't they support it for iOS apps?03:39
JeffM[m]maybe only under ios emulation03:40
macsformeI can't think of many examples of where deprecated APIs actually stopped working... I guess the Carbon API, but only because they never made it a 64-bit, and they finally dropped support for 32-bit applications in Catalina03:40
JeffM[m]it's not just an API in this case, it needs display driver support03:40
macsformeoh, they do still support Carbon04:10
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blast007I'm not quite sure how to get it to build for arm.04:11
blast007I'm using Xcode 12.2, but it's still only showing Intel for me and even a new test app (command line program, C++) is only building for Intel when I do a release build04:12
JeffM[m]do they even support cross compiling?04:15
JeffM[m]well they must for ios04:15
blast007"You can build a universal binary on either an Apple silicon or Intel-based Mac computer"04:16
blast007maybe I need to be running Big Sur?04:17
blast007they don't mention that in that porting page though..04:17
JeffM[m]from what I hear apple dev documentation has taken a turn for the worse in the past few years04:18
blast007guess I'll see about installing Big Sur on an external drive04:18
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tuponeblast007: have you got some time to test the change to speed up the radar (GL2.0) ?22:06
blast007not yet22:18
tuponeok. I think the radar is now a lot faster (at least without shot)22:20

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