IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Thursday, 2020-11-19

DelusionalSo when I unwrap that M1-chip mac mini tomorrow…. I just download some BZ and bash some tanks into fragments…. right?00:02
The_Noah_Aren't the new Macs ARM based?00:02
JeffM[m]You'll be the first one to probably find out how well Rosetta2 works with old openGL calls :)00:02
JeffM[m]They are00:02
Delusionalif you dont chiise the intel chip00:03
JeffM[m]all the info apple has said is that "games just run"00:03
JeffM[m]I have my personal doubts, but that's what they said00:03
Delusionalprobably too busy tomorrow to do the setup…. likely friday I can report00:04
Delusionalthey said many games run faster under rosetta200:05
JeffM[m]I'd be curious about several things, 1) does the current build work? 2) Does it even compile in xcode for arm? 3) how does the performance compare.00:05
JeffM[m]Apple says a lot of stuff :)00:05
JeffM[m]and I wonder if those games that do run faster have Metal backends, because they made the GPU in the SOC optimized for metal200:06
Delusionalcompiling will likely be too tall amountain for me to climb00:06
Delusionalsays it’s 8-core and 8-GPU’s00:07
Delusionalin a MAC MINI! that blows my mind00:07
JeffM[m]I have wondered if all that talk about desupporting open GL and only supporting metal moving forward is because of the arm transition and them not wanting to do GL drivers for the new GPUs.00:07
JeffM[m]it's big/little 8 cores00:07
JeffM[m]4 bit, 4 little00:07
JeffM[m]it's an overclocked iphone12 CPU efectivly00:08
DelusionalDon’t forget Big Sur, OSX 1100:09
JeffM[m]no ram upgrades ether, the memory is literally on the SOC chip. and no external GPUs vai thunderbolt.00:09
JeffM[m]heh, yeah the OS that our IT had to tell everyone to not install or the VPN would break for them? :)00:09
Delusionallots of reports that Big Sur is bricking pre-2014 machines00:11
blast007Big Sur was bricking some Macbook Pros too00:11
JeffM[m]Apple has done CPU changes before, so I'm sure they can do it. I just worry if they are going to take the opportunity to raise and fortify the walls of the garden at the same time.00:11
blast007(in the real sense - it was actually messing up some chip on the I/O board)00:11
JeffM[m]At some point I'm sure I'll be given a mac to work on, at least to test stuff.00:12
JeffM[m]Like frying the pram or something?00:12
Delusionalneed a recommendation on a over-30 inch monitor, hopefully less than $50000:14
blast007dunno.  seems that unplugging the I/O board was letting the system boot again.00:14
JeffM[m]flat or curved?00:14
DelusionalI want 4k-size, not ultrawide…. wouldn’t mind curved00:15
JeffM[m]ultrawide is where it's at :)00:15
Delusionalthat might mean 5k00:15
DelusionalI’d need a new desk with ultrawide00:16
JeffM[m]I have one of these, it's very nice00:17
JeffM[m]it's1440p ultrawide00:17
JeffM[m]it fits fine on a normal sized ikea desk00:18
JeffM[m]the curve is great for games. odd for work00:18
Delusionalneed HDMI version 2, or displau port… hoping for USB-c00:18
JeffM[m]you mean thunderbolt?00:19
JeffM[m]but you can get cables that go from USBC connector to display port easy.00:20
JeffM[m]or a dock that'll give you DP outputs00:20
Delusionalhowabout this one
*** ruskie <ruskie!ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie> has joined #bzflag00:21
JeffM[m]that's just a 1080p display00:21
Delusionaloh it’s only 1080p00:21
JeffM[m]I wonder if the macs support freesync00:21
Delusionalthere’s just so many monitors to choose from, it’s crazy00:22
JeffM[m]You'll also want to make sure the USB-C connector is for display, and not well.. USB devices like a hub.00:25
blast007"Native DisplayPort output over USB‑C"00:28
JeffM[m]Then a cable should do the trick00:29
JeffM[m]Wow, apple really wants me to get an Apple Card and buy a new phone and mac....00:30
Delusionalthey are pushing that apple card like it’s crack00:33
JeffM[m]they gotta get some of that 15% back somehow00:33
Delusional$500 is not gonna cut it00:50
JeffM[m]For 4k, yeah that may be right00:56
JeffM[m]I’d be leery of that01:14
Delusional553.75 new on eby01:22
JeffM[m]Or spend less and just get a display port to usb cable01:30
Delusionalwhat’s with those lights on the back of the scepter?!?!?!  seeing a lot of reports that the LG works nice with macs and even has mac-specific features…   and I really like the up-and-down-stand… the macmini can’t use more than 60hz….01:59
JeffM[m]I don’t recall mine having any real lights on it.02:01
JeffM[m]It’s packed in a box now for moving02:02
Foo_man_chooHow can you guys stand such small monitors?!?? XD [ducks]02:03
JeffM[m]Because we like pixels per inch not pixels per foot, and our eyes work ;)02:04
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JeffM[m]I’ve also found it hit or miss with using tvs as displays, mostly with overscan02:07
DelusionalIt’s the LG for me… 585 after tax02:07
JeffM[m]Hope it works out well02:08
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