IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Friday, 2020-08-28

BZNotifybzflag: Zehra commented on pull request #261 "Implement RogueGenocide as options" ( Will update with both recommendations once consensus on game play i...01:21
*** _I_Died_Once <_I_Died_Once!~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535> has joined #bzflag01:28
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*** Agatha <Agatha!> has joined #bzflag01:43
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AgathaTwo things. (1) When using a "group" in a map file, the wiki says that "phydrv" will be added to all objects in the instance. That doesn't appear to be correct. What gives? And (2) "_rainTexture" for a URL doesn't seem to work?01:48
ZehraAre you using "https" for image, since if so, it will not work.01:49
Zehra(Mentioned by The Purple Panzer or ahs3, IIRC.)01:49
ZehraWiki is also depreciated and outdated, information sourced there is likely outdated/inaccurate.01:49
AgathaIt would be nice if https were supported, but no; I am not.01:52
blast0072.5 support https:// URLs for textures02:04
blast0072.4 only supports http:// and ftp:// (no idea why it ever offered ftp)02:04
AgathaBasically, I'm trying -set _rainTexture ""02:05
Agatha(I also tried without quotes)02:05
AgathaBut I'm getting a "cannot load texture" error (though as you can see, that URL is valid)02:05
ZehraFrom my perspective, it would appear as if a space were used, compare to under score.02:08
ZehraUsage of underscore allows it to be a valid URL, while a space in the URL is not.02:09
AgathaProbably an artifact of how IRC draws the text. The URL and the code that uses it both use underscores.02:10
blast007maybe you just can't use a URL for that value02:10
blast007where did you see that you can?02:10
AgathaI didn't see an example of it anywhere. It just seemed (seems) reasonable that one should be able to do that.02:17
blast007might be able to reference another texture that you've loaded as part of the map02:20
AgathaNot quite sure what you mean, blast007? Do you mean, like, make a new material and try to reference that as the argument of -set _rainTexture? (Tried that just now; doesn't work.)02:23
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Keiki_Han@unaffiliated/zehra> has quit IRC (Quit: Quit)04:07
BZNotifybzflag: agatha2 commented on issue #258 "Particle Rendering Artifact with Rain" ( Potentially related issue: when a single-pixel texture is used in a...04:30
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BZNotifybzflag: allejo converted_to_draft pull request #261 "Implement RogueGenocide as options" by Zehra (
*** FusionDude is now known as Flash07:04
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*** Sgeo <Sgeo!> has joined #bzflag15:14
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*** the_map <the_map!~the_map@unaffiliated/the-map/x-1795707> has quit IRC (Quit: *.banana *.split)22:11
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