IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Wednesday, 2020-07-08

alfa1just in case nobody saw it, here they say something related:
alfa1it is from migration from version 1.2 to 2.000:04
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alfa1blast007: do the displays have the same resolution beforehand all starts?00:56
blast007the primary is 1366x768 and the secondary is 2560x144000:57
alfa1that could be another thing to test, according to bugs/problems I am reading00:58
alfa1(and even could be a workaround)00:59
blast007a workaround is to require people to have identical resolutions on all displays?01:01
alfa1no, to switch resolutions by code before doing fullscren01:02
blast007you can't01:02
blast007you have to be fullscreen before you can change the resolution01:02
alfa1you can't access to system resolution directly?01:03
alfa1(operating system)01:04
blast007if I was going to do that, I wouldn't use SDL, as I'd now be writing platform specific code myself :)01:04
alfa1answering to the prev question, then: yes, maybe forcing people to do that for now01:06
blast007I don't think that will help anyway01:07
alfa1another thing: try quitting top/bottom bars from the windows manager (extensions) which could be annoying fullscreen process (according to bugs)01:13
CaptainRoberts[mHave you tried flipping the bits?01:19
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alfa1blast007: try this: 1) create a windowed window on display #1; 2) see what resolutions are available into BZ; 3) move it to display #2 by the keybinding method; 4) repeat 2); 5) compare both results03:03
alfa1the idea is that maybe BZ has not updated resolutions on display #2 (or mixed ones) then it still tries to run a previous resolution returning to display #1 (solution: a way to refresh resolutions)03:03
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alfa1(I am considering every display is giving its resolutions to its "child windows", let's say, and "child windows" should only use them (not a mix of all displays ones))03:15
alfa1(by "child windows" I mean all windows positioned completely into that display at any time, not only those created into it)03:18
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alfa1is giving its "child windows" its resolutions*03:24
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BZNotifybzflag: atupone synchronized pull request #256 "clang-10 porting" (
macsformeblast007: SDL_CreateWindow() allows you to position the window when creating it, and I thought theoretically you could create a window on a display other than the primary one (using SDL_GetDisplayBounds(), etc.), then you don't have to move it with SDL_SetWindowPosition()... have you tried that?07:26
macsformeotherwise my best guess is that it sounds like an issue related to window focus07:27
BZNotifybzflag: macsforme commented on pull request #251 "Fix multiple issues with SDL 2 window creation" ( Trying to summarize the remaining issues that have been observed:...07:39
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blast007macsforme: yeah, creating it lets me put it on the display I want.  Also, creating it windowed and then immediately calling my same setFullscreen function does put it on the correct screen10:05
blast007it's only when I'm calling setFullscreen later that it's a problem :)10:06
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blast007and it seems if I call setFullscreen twice, it works, maybe :P12:11
blast007need to test that a bit more12:14
blast007maybe I need to set the window to windowed mode, move it to the desired display, set the window fullscreen, change the display mode, set the window to windowed, and then back to fullscreen.........12:15
blast007I'm gonna test my little sample program a bit more tonight and ask in #SDL or on their forums if I don't get an answer in IRC12:16
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alfa1I wonder why people stop playing the game... it's so fun...16:38
alfa1let's blame the money?16:39
alfa1(as always)16:39
alfa1because you can't blame the lack of skills since now you have a method to improve them16:41
allejoi want money for working on bz stuff16:51
the_mapmaybe if you improve your skills with alfa1's expert guidance you can make money with a coding job16:55
blast007alfa1: there's a lot of games to choose from these days, and a lot of "free" games have huge budgets (paid for with things like battle passes and cosmetics, or sometimes "pay to win" mechanics where you can only get good gear by spending money - or at least, you can get them faster that way)19:23
allejowhich is why we need to desperate introduce hats in 2.619:30
allejoTANKS WITH HATS19:30
CaptainRoberts[mIt's all about dances these days.19:58
alfa1you because have not tried still my HiX-S brand new server with solo bots to dance with, CaptainRoberts[m! hehe19:59
CaptainRoberts[mbzbots are not very good20:00
CaptainRoberts[mgive me original UT bots any day20:00
alfa1come and see :) (or read Levels and Bots on the forum)20:00
CaptainRoberts[mI have seen it,20:01
alfa1of course they can be better but they do rather well; even they don't learn AFAIK20:05
alfa1(in the sense to learn to improve bahaviour in general; there is some learning code which says "silly" IIRC)20:06
blast007are the bots modified?20:11
alfa1I never reached to modify them (I never was sure it was possible; for the most time); but I worked a lot in the context (plugins; scores system; etc) to make them fun20:16
alfa1and it mixed with the idea of making even matches, giving a levels system for players' skills20:17
alfa1I only modified the server a tiny bit20:17
alfa11 line20:17
alfa1now i'm experimenting modifying bots levels according to new maps20:19
alfa1in example, in HiX-S solo bot has 0.67 instead of 1.33 for ducati-like one20:20
blast007what do those numbers mean20:25
alfa1skill levels20:25
blast007meaning what?20:25
alfa1HiX is one (or the most) hardest maps ever20:26
alfa1have you read Levels and Robots thread?20:26
CaptainRoberts[mhave you tried reticulating the splines20:26
blast007but how does a bot have a different "skill level" if the bots have not been modified?20:26
alfa1I posted there years of work :)20:27
CaptainRoberts[mmodify the handicap?20:27
blast007ah, I suppose20:27
alfa1I'm experimenting it, but it seems to work for now (according to results); I am thinking that now maps have differen levels of difficulty20:28
alfa1and bots are rather limited compared to humans to addapt themselves to new maps20:29
alfa1then I just reduce their levels20:29
alfa1humans' levels are not modifed20:29
alfa1a simple example: on HiX (or HiX-S, a modification for solo bots), solo bots can't jump; that problem reduces its level to the half20:31
blast007and on every other server, they also can't jump ;)20:32
alfa1well, but the first map, where they work the best on, is ducati-like, with no jumps20:32
alfa1solo bots really helped to make ducati-like maps to work for 1 human20:33
alfa1while autopilots kept on their base, solo bot went directly to attack the human, simulating a human behaviour20:34
alfa1also, in HiX-S, solo bots work the best because they dont jump all the time like autopilots, making it fun20:34
alfa1HiX-S has 1 level for playing (floor); HiX-A (for autopilots plus 2 humans) has 2 levels (floor and 1 more); and then we have normal HiX with 3 levels (and 0 bots)20:36
alfa1note on HiX-S you have to capture by pyra jumps :) (not so easy)20:38
alfa1and you have both CTF and FFA modes on every version20:39
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macsformealfa1: is your server publicly listed? I couldn't find it21:43
alfa1macsforme: right now, DiverSion (note it's is not 24-hours)21:45
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