IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Friday, 2020-04-24

The_Noahmacsforme: a cheater keeps getting on one of your servers00:32
macsformewanna be admin? :-P01:51
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macsformeis it always the same map?01:54
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*** MarderIII <MarderIII!> has joined #bzflag07:42
*** bboles <bboles!~quassel@2602:fe90:604:1b::52f2:f9b3> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)08:24
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*** allejo <allejo!~allejo@bzflag/developer/allejo> has quit IRC (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)08:53
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*** allejo <allejo!~allejo@bzflag/developer/allejo> has quit IRC (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)10:26
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moriahmacsforme: alias play Jessica has been on your babel map with bots11:57
*** short_circuit <short_circuit!~spldart@2601:2c5:c680:87a0:36e8:94ff:fed6:c206> has joined #bzflag18:48
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BZNotifybzflag: macsforme edited issue #246 "Aggregated issues related to SDL 2 window creation" (
blast007macsforme or allejo: would one of you be able to test if SDL 2.0.12 eliminates the need for this workaround?
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: macsforme pushed 1 commit (
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: macsforme 1682c7: Backport 0096e2b5 from master. (
blast007so what do we want to call this release?22:40
blast007Work From Home Edition   :)22:43
short_circuitTell you  what. It's gonna go viral!22:52
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag23:21
macsformeyeah I can check on that one and the other one23:22
blast007macsforme: do you use a 10.7 system to make the .app?  just noticing here that it's complaining that my libcares was built for a newer OSX version (10.14) than being linked (10.7)23:22
blast007it's a warning, specifically23:23
macsformeno, but I do use the 10.7 deployment target23:23
macsformec-ares would just need to be built to match23:23
blast007ah, yeah, I guess it is in /usr/local, so it's something I added23:24
macsformeare you still aiming for a release today?23:24
blast007I have an updated title image, I updated the Windows dependencies, got a warning fix to push yet, and I have some updates to the ChangeLog23:25
* Zehra expectantly awaits to see the release name23:26
blast007so far I have it in my local ChangeLog as "Untitled Project" ;)23:26
macsformelet's pull an Apple and call it "BZFlag 2.4.20 Edition"23:27
blast007what did they do something like that with?23:28
macsformethey had an Apple Watch Edition...23:30
macsformeoh sorry, they don't like articles when referring to their products... they had Apple Watch Edition23:30
blast007they're not products - they're a LIFESTYLE!23:31
blast007FWIW, my virtual 10.4 correctly iconifies without that workaround code after updating to SDL 2.0.1223:40
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: macsforme pushed 1 commit (
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: macsforme fea49a: Removed the workaround for SDL bug #4177 which has been fixed in SDL 2.0.12, where trying to iconify from fullscreen on macOS wouldn't work. (
blast007macsforme: have you tested the vsync issue here?  I think it's still a problem as it doesn't seem to limit the FPS here without that workaround code when I'm running windowed23:52
macsformeyeah same23:52
blast007s/ here//23:52
macsformethe one where the framerate would run away when the window is obstructed?23:52
blast007doesn't even have to be obstructed here23:52
blast007but I'm in a VM with no accelerated graphics, so I can only test windowed - fullscreen I only get like 24 FPS :)23:53
macsformeI think they told me to pound sand on that one... I can verify but I think we still need that workaround23:54
blast007with the workaround in place, vsync is limiting me to around 100FPS, but without the workaround is goes up to 350+  (running windowed at the tiniest size)23:59

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