IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2019-12-31

spldartblast007 thanks. same answer bla bla :) I have to remember that :)00:00
blast007spldart: probably a better way, actually, is 'apt-cache policy libglm-dev' as that'll show what's installed (if anything) plus what's available in the package repository00:01
allejoi'll look into this a bit more later and test the next ubuntu lts with master00:03
spldartgitk and this I'm happy :)00:05
spldartoh snap... diabolical idea... bbl00:06
spldartOk. Bad idea. Beat head against brick wall long enough :~/01:06
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BZNotifymaster @ allejo pushed 1 commit (
BZNotifymaster @ allejo b93ade: Make the landing docs page a bit better laid out (
BZNotifyfeature/flag-list-table @ allejo force pushed 1 commit (
BZNotifyfeature/flag-list-table @ allejo 3c72dc: Render flag list as table with abbrs (
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BZNotifymaster @ allejo pushed 1 commit (
BZNotifymaster @ allejo 980e83: Use markdown in Feedback URL generation (
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BZNotifybzflag: jwmelto synchronized pull request #236 "C++14" (
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BZNotifyfeature/flag-list-table @ allejo force pushed 4 commits (
BZNotifyfeature/flag-list-table @ allejo b77b1f: Render flag list as table with abbrs (
BZNotifyfeature/flag-list-table @ allejo 8c92f5: Rewrite Flag list document in markdown (
BZNotifyfeature/flag-list-table @ allejo e327db: Add support for a mobile responsive table (
BZNotifyfeature/flag-list-table @ allejo 49d09c: Display Flag tables in a mobile responsive way ( allejo opened pull request #32 "Display the flag list in a table" ( allejo labeled pull request #32 as enhancement 04:52 allejo labeled pull request #32 as documentation 04:52 allejo review_requested pull request #32 04:52
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag: allejo pushed 1 commit (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag: allejo 71f33e: Add glm requirement in brew for macOS notes (
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BZNotifybzflag: atupone commented on pull request #236 "C++14" by jwmelto ( who fixed all the glu warnings? I fixed only the gluProject 11:04
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BZNotifybzflag: macsforme commented on pull request #236 "C++14" by jwmelto ( > who fixed all the glu warnings? I fixed only the gluProject...19:18
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