IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Monday, 2019-08-05

BZNotifybzflag: macsforme commented on pull request #208 "Cleanup for consistency with mesh rendering" by Zehra ( If your goal is to make it consistent, why don't you make it consis...00:02
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BZNotifybzflag: Zehra commented on pull request #208 "Cleanup for consistency with mesh rendering" ( The 1.0 graphical effect seems to appear quite dated in my opinion....01:05
BZNotifybzflag: The-Noah commented on pull request #208 "Cleanup for consistency with mesh rendering" by Zehra ( A toggle would be fine, but personally I like the effect and agree ...01:06
BZNotifybzflag: Zehra commented on issue #211 "Got shot by Lazer while holding Cloaking" by The-Noah ( While this happens quite rarely, lag has been known to make it occur.02:01
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BZNotifybzflag: allejo commented on pull request #208 "Cleanup for consistency with mesh rendering" by Zehra ( There are quite enough options already in the client; adding yet an...02:27
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*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has quit IRC (Quit: Gone for now.)02:53
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BZNotifybzflag: macsforme labeled pull request #208 "Cleanup for consistency with mesh rendering" by Zehra as wontfix (
BZNotifybzflag: macsforme commented on pull request #208 "Cleanup for consistency with mesh rendering" by Zehra ( I never heard one complaint about this effect until you brought it ...03:25
BZNotifybzflag: macsforme closed pull request #208 by Zehra 03:25
BZNotifybzflag: JeffM2501 commented on pull request #208 "Cleanup for consistency with mesh rendering" by Zehra ( The IDL is an important part of the game. When inside an object wit...03:42
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BZNotifybzflag: macsforme commented on issue #211 "Got shot by Lazer while holding Cloaking" by The-Noah ( > While this happens quite rarely, lag has been known to make it oc...05:34
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BZNotifybzflag: The-Noah commented on issue #211 "Got shot by Lazer while holding Cloaking" ( Sounds like that's what happened. I'm guessing there isn't an easy ...16:20
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*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag17:27
The_NoahIs there a plan to update the Windows build to VS 2019? I would do it myself but since I have problem compiling I wouldn't be able to verify it works.17:33
blast007I'm still using 201717:49
blast007until there's a good reason to move to 2019, I'll likely keep targeting 201717:49
blast007(for instance, if we start using or want to use some newer C++ features that require a newer version of Visual C++)17:52
macsformepremake may be able to generate project files for it, if anyone wants to experiment17:54
ZehraChanging the subject. Macsforme, what kind of effects are you looking for precisely?17:56
ZehraIn reference to
macsformeI wasn't18:03
macsforme*I'm not18:03
blast007is that (adding either geometry, such as a pattern of triangles, or some other visual effect) something well suited to a shader?18:04
ZehraI'm thinking of somewhat a border type outline appearing around the HUD, which is colour coded to indicate the properties of the object being driven through, such as "drive-through" and "shoot-through".18:07
macsformea different visual effect, probably... the current effect of static triangles with 3D positioning would still require geometry, I think (unless a geometry shader was used)18:08
blast007Zehra: drive-through and shoot-through are only somewhat related to OO18:08
blast007the PR in question is about the OO effect18:09
ZehraWith mesh being newer, I assumed making OO effect consistent with mesh was the goal.18:11
blast007it was just that nobody adding the code to make it work with the newer objects18:13
blast007assume that a lot of things in BZFlag are half-way completed ;)18:14
ZehraI wonder about mesh and 1.0 objects. =)18:16
macsformemaking it consistent could be a future goal, yes18:16
blast007macsforme: yeah, I was just wondering if it's be faster/possible to generate the additional geometry in a shader instead of pushing more geometry from the CPU18:17
blast007I know *very* little about shaders :)18:17
macsformewe could probably make a lot more of them :-)18:17
macsformeI know close to nothing about geometry shaders, though18:18
blast007I know that they exist.. and.. that's it18:19
macsformeI don't know how much support there is right now for testing whether you are inside an arbitrary mesh... that could be tricky... I know we can specify inside and outside points, but I have no idea what that is for18:21
macsformewe could probably refer back to Epyon's GSoC project for the random map generator... I vaguely remember discussions about them back then18:22
Boombala2019 buggy18:24
Boombalabut 2017 project builds good in 2019 with no change18:32
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