*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag | 00:44 | |
*** Tobbi is now away: Auto away at Thu Feb 20 01:38:45 2025 UTC | 01:38 | |
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!~I_Died_On@c-98-219-34-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net> has joined #bzflag | 03:43 | |
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!~I_Died_On@c-98-219-34-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | 04:57 | |
*** Tobbi is back | 05:02 | |
*** Ribby <Ribby!uid380536@id-380536.helmsley.irccloud.com> has joined #bzflag | 06:07 | |
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 07:13 | |
BZNotify | 2.4 @ bzflag-dependencies: blast007 pushed 1 commit (https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag-dependencies/compare/0134be8c6b46...9a4012d22afc): | 10:39 |
BZNotify | 2.4 @ bzflag-dependencies: blast007 9a4012: Update dependencies (https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag-dependencies/commit/9a4012d22afc6663dacfc45cb1bf059e0071a818) | 10:39 |
*** FastLizard4 is back | 10:51 | |
*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard | 10:56 | |
*** FastLizard4 is back | 11:19 | |
BZNotify | bzflag-dependencies: blast007 labeled issue #13 "Start moving the build process to CMake" as help wanted (https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag-dependencies/issues/13) | 11:35 |
BZNotify | bzflag-dependencies: blast007 opened issue #13 | 11:36 |
*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard | 11:39 | |
BZNotify | 2.4 @ bzflag-dependencies: blast007 pushed 1 commit (https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag-dependencies/compare/9a4012d22afc...44fcd19a7bad): | 11:56 |
BZNotify | 2.4 @ bzflag-dependencies: blast007 44fcd1: Acknowledge that curl's winbuild is deprecated so it will build. (https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag-dependencies/commit/44fcd19a7bad0d18c4e128505e74984162d210a6) | 11:56 |
*** FastLizard4 is now away: GONE - Screen Detached and Disconnected from IRC (I'm probably asleep, at work, or doing something in real life) | 12:23 | |
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!~I_Died_On@c-98-219-34-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net> has joined #bzflag | 12:34 | |
*** Ribby is now away: Auto-away | 15:08 | |
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag | 15:55 | |
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 16:10 | |
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag | 16:13 | |
*** the_map <the_map!~the_map@user/the-map/x-5158391> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | 16:56 | |
*** the_map <the_map!~the_map@user/the-map/x-5158391> has joined #bzflag | 16:58 | |
*** Ribby <Ribby!uid380536@id-380536.helmsley.irccloud.com> has quit IRC (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | 17:06 | |
*** TimRiker <TimRiker!TimRiker@t5810.rikers.org> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | 17:08 | |
*** TimRiker <TimRiker!TimRiker@2607:fa18:9fff::196> has joined #bzflag | 17:30 | |
*** SpringTank is now away: No clients connected to this core right now. | 17:38 | |
*** SpringTank is back | 17:38 | |
*** SpringTank is now away: No clients connected to this core right now. | 17:38 | |
*** SpringTank is back | 17:42 | |
*** Tobbi is now away: Auto away at Thu Feb 20 18:15:25 2025 UTC | 18:15 | |
*** Tobbi is back | 18:16 | |
*** ncb <ncb!~ncb@user/ncb> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | 18:20 | |
*** ncb <ncb!~ncb@user/ncb> has joined #bzflag | 18:23 | |
*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@2601:2c7:4100:2cb0:1acf:5eff:fe1f:1f2c> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) | 18:29 | |
*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@2601:2c7:4100:2cb0:1acf:5eff:fe1f:1f2c> has joined #bzflag | 20:51 | |
*** Optic_Delusion <Optic_Delusion!~Optic_Del@2600:4041:19d:5500:c58f:96be:3a8c:d27c> has quit IRC (Quit: My Mac Mini has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) | 22:18 | |
*** Optic_Delusion <Optic_Delusion!~Optic_Del@2600:4041:19d:5500:6108:cd6d:e76a:ccef> has joined #bzflag | 22:19 | |
*** Not__the_AI_Bot <Not__the_AI_Bot!~quassel@13.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net> has joined #bzflag | 22:29 | |
*** FastLizard4 is back | 22:32 | |
*** L4m3r <L4m3r!~L4m3r@user/L4m3r> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | 22:51 | |
*** Not__the_AI_Bot <Not__the_AI_Bot!~quassel@13.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | 22:53 | |
*** Not__the_AI_Bot <Not__the_AI_Bot!~quassel@13.67-212-45-net.sccoast.net> has joined #bzflag | 23:26 | |
*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard | 23:47 | |
*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@2601:2c7:4100:2cb0:1acf:5eff:fe1f:1f2c> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) | 23:53 |
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