IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2025-02-18

blast007Really not sure on this DNS issue.  I've been testing on a LAN only network between two machines.  I tried setting the timeout to 500ms and the number of tries to 1, and it seems to wait about half a second before it gives up and I can spawn.  Also works if I set it to 1000ms and I think also 1500ms.  But if I set to to 2000ms, it never finishes and I can't spawn.  Or if I leave it at 500ms ...00:32
blast007... but set the number of tries to 2 or 3, it also never finishes.00:32
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BZNotifybzflag: blast007 commented on issue #310 "systemd-resolved causes/triggers issue with reverse DNS lookup in bzfs" (2.4.28 - It seems the issue also occurs without systemd-resolved, including ...11:34
BZNotifybzflag: blast007 demilestoned issue #310 11:34
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Juestblast007: provide a option to disable rdns resolution in bzfs then?12:22
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Juesthmmm, demilestoned issues, why? forgot to milestone them for 2.4 rel?12:58
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blast007Juest: I no longer consider these issues release critical for 2.4.28, so I removed the milestone.19:51
blast007I need to get a release out sooner than later :)19:52
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TimRikerThis won't include any of my IPv6 work, right? Plans for that?20:15
blast007this is still 2.420:32
blast007I am planning to launch the new central services that has a newer REST API (in addition to the current list format), and the REST API will support IPv6.20:33
blast007The legacy interface also handles CGNAT when used with an updated client *and* server.20:33
blast007Once I get those two things done, I want to start looking at 2.5 again20:34
blast007the REST API still needs some work.  I figure we can work on that while working on 2.5 again.20:35
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Juesthmm, understood22:40
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