IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Monday, 2024-12-09

Juestcan we pin the smartscreen issue and unpin the mac app signing issue?00:00
blast007smartscreen issue isn't critical, honestly00:01
Juestwhy is the macos one more critical considering users can bypass it by right clicking open?00:01
blast007because the new macOS *removed* that easy bypass00:01
Juestwhich? sonoma?00:01
blast007now you have to try running it, get a message that it can't run, then dig into the Settings to allow the app00:02
Juestcan always either xattr -rsd or spctl --master-disable00:02
Juestor straight up remove the xattr00:02
blast007I already have the macOS issue fixed00:02
blast0072.4.28 will be signed and notarized00:02
blast007(well, I didn't actually *fix* much of anything with that - I think changes that macsforme has done with the Xcode project and the dependencies took care of all that)00:03
Juestso yeah, safe/good to unpin00:04
Juestand close as completed00:04
blast007it's fine.  I assume it will unpin when I close the issue, and I'll close the issue when we release
blast007Might aim for a release on the 21st.00:05
blast007Gonna work on some of the remaining 2.4.28 milestones and on finishing up the new bzfls3 to the point where I can launch that for the "legacy" mode.00:06
Juestblast007: im having issues with c-ares and curl because of weird issues with the generated files00:42
Juestespecially if there's leftover files or im building on top of a existing build00:43
blast007issues on what platform, and what issues are you having?00:48
Juestwindows 00:54
Juestc-ares in x64 fails00:54
Juestcurl also is failing00:54
blast007yeah, x64 builds of the dependencies doesn't work on Windows00:55
blast007some of them don't seem to expose a way to do that from their included makefiles00:56
Juestcurl is failing in x8600:56
blast007failing with what error?00:56
Juestdidnt check logs00:56
Juestlost the window00:56
blast007are you using Visual C++ 2017?00:56
Juestregex.h missing lol00:57
Juesthow much did the dependencies stuff change now?00:57
Juestlike what i should do with the bz deps variable?00:58
blast007you'll have to use the latest 2.4 branch of the game and the dependencies, and we don't use the BZ_DEPS var anymore.  You'll just copy the "dependencies" folder into the BZFlag source, so you'll have it alongside include and src00:58
Juestah ok01:04
Juestso i'll just junction dependencies into the src01:04
Juesti forgot that01:05
blast007yeah, that'll probably work fine too01:05
Juestanyways, sorry, there isnt a easy build log for this01:12
Juestuhm, do we use github actions for building yet?01:12
Juestwhy not move the whole dependencies stuff into the src yet?01:15
Juestmain repo i mean01:15
Juestsorry for being stupid01:15
Juestfor some reason01:18
Juestzlib is x64 in x8601:18
blast007we used to have dependencies in the main repo, but we moved them out years ago01:18
blast007it caused problems for Linux distributions because they have to remove them from the source then01:19
Juestso for some stupid reason01:19
Juestzlib is x64 in the x86 folder01:19
Juesthow about a optional submodule?01:19
blast007yeah, like I said, some of the dependency makefiles don't expose a way to build x6401:19
blast007there's nothing wrong with how we're doing it right now01:20
Juesti see no problem01:20
Juesthow about ummmm01:20
Juestbringing back old fonts where licensing might've changed?01:20
Juestand provide customizability to players01:20
blast007I'll wait until we redo our UI01:21
Juestin terms of legibility, profont is a win01:21
Juesthow can i help with the dependency issues?01:23
blast007the x64 stuff?01:23
Juestboth x86 and x6401:25
Juestcurl is failing to build01:25
blast007failing how?01:27
blast007(and I don't care about x64 right now)01:27
Juestoh nevermind, its just cuz zlib doesnt cleanup after doing x64 meaning when you go to do x86 it wont do anything because its built01:29
Juestin the same place01:29
Juestwhat we can do is force zlib to clean up before rebuilding01:29
Juestwhich, that was the issue01:30
blast007Yeah, the build process is a bit messy.  The CMake projects for the dependencies are probably a better route if we did want to have x64 builds on Windows.01:33
blast007I can't recall if they all had those though.01:34
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: blast007 pushed 1 commit (
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: blast007 608908: Move addWall out of WorldInfo. Fixes #341. (
BZNotifybzflag: blast007 closed issue #341 "BZFS World Construction calls member functions on NULL object" by bz-next (2.4.28 -
BZNotifybzflag: blast007 commented on issue #325 "OSX zoom feature freezes computer." by ODelusion (2.4.28 - Is this still an issue?  I tried on my M1 mac mini running macOS 15...01:43
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AgathaShould drop 32-bit x86 support for the same reason we dropped the divine right of kings02:47
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BZNotifybzflag: ODelusion closed issue #325 "OSX zoom feature freezes computer." (2.4.28 -
BZNotifybzflag: ODelusion commented on issue #325 (2.4.28 - No longer an issue. Apple fixed it in OSX 14. Now we are on 15. 02:54
Optic_Delusion_issue #325 closed02:56
blast007Optic_Delusion_: thanks02:56
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macsformeblast007: as I recall some kind of manifest was required to archive the macOS build and prepare for notarization... did that end up being true, and was it difficult? would you care to share the manifest? as far as "hardened runtime," is that distinct from sandboxing? I thought sandboxing was only required to distribute through the app store03:15
blast007Didn't seem to need any manifest.  I exported the archive and zip'ed the .app, then submitted that with 'xcrun notarytool submit' (with some other stuff after that)03:29
blast007it sounds like I should be able to do that when I export the archive, or maybe it *does* that already and I didn't need to manually do it.03:30
blast007The first time I tried to submit it, it rejected the notarization saying I needed the hardened runtime.  After I did that, it was successful.03:31
macsformehuh, okay cool03:35
blast007I'll go through that in more detail, but the .app installed and ran on macOS 15.1.1 without needing to go into settings.  I think I had even tried downloading the .zip from a web server and installing using that, and that worked.03:35
macsformeREADME.macOS can be updated to remove the Gatekeeper bypass instructions as well03:35
blast007ah, okay03:36
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macsformelooks like that will need a full review... there's also Homebrew instructions for bypassing Gatekeeper, references to the "Build Active Architecture Only" setting, etc.03:40
blast007website also has the --no-quarantine option that we'd be able to remove, I guess03:40
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BZNotifybzflag: Juesto commented on issue #325 "OSX zoom feature freezes computer." by ODelusion (2.4.28 - but the issue remains for older macos versions, right?11:24
Juestmacsforme: i wouldn't remove the gatekeeper bypass instructions, an issue with the hardened runtime is that macos minimum os target is increased11:30
Juestam i right blast007 ?11:30
BZNotifybzflag: ODelusion commented on issue #325 "OSX zoom feature freezes computer." (2.4.28 - I'm pretty sure it's only OSX 13. And might be only OSX 13.2....11:33
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blast007Xcode 14 only supports macOS 10.13 or newer, so the minimum version is moving from 10.9 to 10.13 for that reason already11:45
blast007I haven't seen anything saying that hardened runtime affects the minimum os version11:47
blast007It sounds like it's part of the signing process, not the build process.11:47
Juestok gotcha11:55
Juestahh then it must've been something like the universal app stuff11:56
Juestthat makes it catalina minimum 11:57
Juestor something11:57
blast007I'll test it on 10.13 soon-ish.  I'll have to install that on a system though.12:11
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Juesti have 10.13 actually12:35
Juestbut im not booted on it12:35
Juesti also have 10.12 lol12:35
Juesti keep 10.12 all the way to macos 1212:35
Juestwhich is what my mac mini late 2014 supports12:35
Juesti know it starts at 10.10 but no point in having those installed lol12:36
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blast007ah, cool.  I can't post a test build right now because I'm at work, but I can do so when I get home.13:43
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