IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Friday, 2024-12-06

blast007hmmm, it appears that I have a signed universal arm64/x86_64 macOS build of 2.4.2700:04
Juestoh interesting00:18
Juestsup blast007 00:18
Juestquestion, how is the release process done?00:18
blast007testing builds on macOS00:18
Juestlike the switch to even numbers from odd numbers00:18
Juestcant it be automated in ci or something?00:18
Juestlol blast007 00:18
Juestso it is just a find & replace operation just for the release maint?00:18
blast007I don't like *too* much automation for releases00:19
Juestfair enough00:19
blast007most of the release prep work is covered in DEVINFO under "Making a Release"00:19
blast007stuff I want to automate more is the stuff *after* all that, cuz right now there's a lot of duplication of effort. Uploading release assets, posting the release information on the main website, the forums, GitHub's releases page, wikidata, and then pushing the new version out to snapcraft, flathub, winget, homebrew(?), chocolatey (which we haven't done yet and is very outdated)00:22
Juestis it in macports?00:22
Juestwe should probably have github as the main location for everywhere00:22
Juestwait, are we in arch/aur too?00:23
blast007ah, yes, it is also in macports00:23
Juestokay hm00:24
blast007yes, bzflag is in AUR as well00:24
blast007but we don't manage that00:24
blast007or I should say, the project doesn't00:25
Juestmaybe someone else could maintain those other stores00:25
blast007snapcraft, flathub, and winget are pretty easy to update00:25
Juestjust like linux distros maintain it for us00:25
Juestalso, dont we have an appiamge?00:25
Juestwe should, imo00:25
Juestwhat's the blocker of that?00:25
blast007my time and sanity00:25
Juestcan make newer versions work in debian or outdated distros00:26
Juestwithout much pain00:26
blast007flatpack is easy in Debian00:26
Juestappimage is easier lol00:26
blast007is it though?00:26
JuestAnyways im not trying to argue00:26
blast007you have to chmod it to run00:26
Juestand that's it00:26
Juestits self contained00:26
blast007flatpak automatically updates on some distributions00:27
Juestoh well, okay then00:27
Juestyou can direct winget, chocolatey, scoop, homebrew to github releases00:27
blast007no idea00:28
* Juest sighs00:28
blast007   <--- this is something I started on to eventually help manage releases00:29
Juesthmmm interesting00:29
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blast007notarization is "in progress"02:25
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blast007sounds like the first notarization can take multiple days11:03
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tuponebug for high altitude is due to float having a relative error. So 800.0 - ε = 800.021:18
blast007that first attempt at notarization failed because I didn't have hardened runtime enabled, so I just ran a new submission and that one was accepted.  So I have a signed, notarized, univeral build of BZFlag for macOS.  :D22:39

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