IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2024-12-03

SpringTankyes, i am live00:15
SpringTankbut where were you when club penguin die?00:15
SpringTanki was at home eating chip00:15
SpringTankphone ring00:16
SpringTank"club penguin is kill"00:16
BZNotifyfeature/site-updates @ allejo force pushed 1 commit (
BZNotifyfeature/site-updates @ allejo bc4db5: Add tabs component styled as manila folder (
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag02:27
*** Tobbi is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 3 02:34:12 2024 UTC02:34
*** nitroxis <nitroxis!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)04:02
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*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)06:30
*** Tobbi is back07:35
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*** FastLizard4 is back07:49
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*** FastLizard4 is back08:27
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*** FastLizard4 is now away: GONE - Screen Detached and Disconnected from IRC (I'm probably asleep, at work, or doing something in real life)09:24
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*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag12:01
*** Tobbi is now away: Auto away at Tue Dec 3 12:51:08 2024 UTC12:51
*** Tobbi is back12:52
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*** Cobra_Fast is now away: offline15:39
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BZNotifyfeature/site-updates @ allejo pushed 3 commits (
BZNotifyfeature/site-updates @ allejo 74b9f2: Fix several bugs related to tabs component (
BZNotifyfeature/site-updates @ allejo 1fce95: Rewrite Downloads section for each OS (
BZNotifyfeature/site-updates @ allejo 1f575b: Make buttons a bit more 3D-ish (
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag18:34
allejoblast007: yes, I was intending on using those new Replay server functions and events in a plugin I wanted to build to make sure it all worked and I had everything I needed. lemme review where I left off over the weekend and I'll update the PR18:42
allejolast I remember, it was stable in my minimal testing but I can't say that confidently without some more testing18:42
allejoalso. before I forget, blast007, what's the process of "installing" bz on Windows? do you need to bypass anything like gatekeeper on macos? do you drag and drop the exe somewhere special? etc.18:45
blast007double click and you might have to get past SmartScreen, which usually is just clicking more info and run anyway18:45
blast007I can get more specific info18:46
blast007I'll be looking into some ways to make it trusted18:46
allejoany details and screenshots would be appreciated :D i'm working on the downloads page and am adding instructions for each OS on how to install18:46
blast007Sounds like using a Yubikey HSM for EV code signing isn't a good option anymore since it doesn't support 3072-bit RSA, which means it doesn't automatically get trusted by Microsoft SmartScreen.  And HSMs that *do* support 3072-bit RSA are around $30,000.  :P18:47
blast007(or at least the ones that Sectigo supports)18:47
allejoI hear gofundme is good for raising money ;D18:48
blast007there's this now as well:
blast007so for $10/month, that *might* be all we need18:48
blast007I don't know if it requires any kind of business registration verification for that though.18:49
allejodon't we have a business registered already?18:54
blast007ah, from that article  "I tried having my identify verified but they are asking for company formation documents, which are not necessary for sole proprietors!"18:54
blast007yes, but there's some other steps needed18:54
allejothat's right, more needed to be done for that18:55
*** FastLizard4 is back18:56
blast007I'll probably pay the $100 for the Apple dev account and see if I can get that working for
allejowe can split that cost18:59
blast007that's okay.  that's far cheaper than an EV certificate was going to be.  Those are like $350/year19:01
allejois the apple dev account an annual cost?19:01
blast007and double that if you want to do both desktop *and* mobile19:02
allejowhy don't we qualify for an OSS account? licensing?19:02
blast007oh, do they have that?19:02
allejoi could have sworn they had something. but i may be thinking of something else19:02
blast007"Your nonprofit, educational institution, or government entity may be eligible for a fee waiver."19:02
allejoah yea, you found it. that's what i was thinking about19:04
blast007oh, and I guess I have the YubiKey FIPS version, not the HSM, so I need to check on that further.19:20
blast007maybe that's even *less* useful than I thought.  There was one EV cert vendor that had mentioned the FIPS one though19:21
blast007YubiKey 5 FIPS*19:22
allejoI really should learn about the different yubikeys at some point. i looked to see what existed for black friday and there were similar variants and I'm like, "nahhhh that's for another day"19:23
blast007fun thing with them is some of them had some firmware issues, and the fix is to just replace them19:24
blast007(and I believe they were still selling the ones with issues, so you couldn't be sure you'd get one with the fix)19:24
allejolove it19:25
blast007I feel like there was another one from a year or two ago at least19:25
allejo> The attacks require about $11,000 worth of equipment and a sophisticated understanding of electrical and cryptographic engineering. The difficulty of the attack means it would likely be carried out only by nation-states or other entities with comparable resources and then only in highly targeted scenarios. The likelihood of such an attack being used widely in the wild is extremely low.19:27
allejolol basically, "highly unlikely. so glhf"19:27
blast007Russia, if you're listening...19:28
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Juestoh yeah, the different yubikeys are because as a hardening measure the firmware cant be touched once out22:45
Juestsup allejo 22:45
Juesthey good progress blast007 !22:47

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