IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Wednesday, 2024-07-10

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allejoIf I wanted to add an additional folder for our autotools compilation/configuration, where would I put it?08:43
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allejoadditional folder meaning a library to look for linking16:11
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blast007allejo: are you trying to just point it temporarily at a location so you can pull a different/newer version of a lib, or is it for a new library that you'd want it to locate?16:53
allejoI want to add support for using the dependencies/ folder when building via autotools on macOS16:54
blast007I guess I'd assume people using autotools on macOS would also be using brew to install dependencies16:55
blast007honestly don't know why we support autotools on mac16:56
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Juestblast007: for people who dont like those package managers that arent anything like linux equivalents?17:00
Juestwait, does macos even ship with autotools?17:01
Juesterr i meant xcode17:01
allejoautotools are opt-in via installation with homebrew. I don't think Xcode provides autotools but it does provide Make I think17:02
allejoI'm just trying to build on macOS without needing Xcode cuz I am so done using it and would rather use CLion17:02
Juesti guess autotools is supported on mac because of the linux imitation17:02
Juestnot even the cli tools package?17:02
Juestso you just dont want to use apple toolchain?17:03
allejopretty much. I inevitability need to rely on Xcode's toolchain at some level, especially if I want to build stuff with Apple signatures. but I'm not looking to do that (for that, I'll use Xcode)17:04
allejoi just want to build with autotools/gcc so I can use a C/C++ IDE17:05
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blast007allejo: for at least some stuff, there are --with-*= flags where you can pass a prefix, like --with-SDL-prefix=/home/whatever/SDL-2.0.18  (where that directory would contain lib and include directories)18:08
blast007guess it's lowercase, so --with-sdl-prefix18:08
blast007libcurl has --with-libcurl=18:09
allejothat'd be attached to the ./configure, ya?18:10
blast007otherwise you might need to pass something via CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, or LDFLAGS18:10
blast007yes, to all of this18:10
allejowould those flags go in the or inside
blast007when you run configure you pass them18:11
blast007./configure --with-SDL-prefix=/home/whatever/SDL-2.0.1818:11
allejoah sry. i meant the CXXFLAGS e.g.18:11
blast007or: CFLAGS='stuff' CXXFLAGS='whatever' ./configure18:11
blast007they're environment variables that get brought in18:12
allejocould I set those variables in though? i.e. make autotools support on macOS match the same build practices as the Xcode project18:13
blast007first I'd try them from the command line to see if that even works, then worry about adding something to configure.ac18:13
allejoah gotcha18:13
blast007or just use Premake5  :)18:14
blast007dunno if that actually makes a unix-style build on macOS though18:14
allejooh yea reminds me. did we ever decide on what we were gonna use? I think premake is on some branch already,ya? consti wrote that, i think18:14
allejoi.e. premake vs cmake18:15
blast007master has premake518:15
blast007it doesn't do any detection of system-level dependencies though18:15
blast007I feel like Premake is a build system for a build system :P18:15
allejoyea, i remember there was some complexities surrounding premake when I was looking into it after consti's work18:16
blast007less so than CMake, since that actually has functions for detecting libraries (including version requirements and required features)18:16
blast007most of our dependencies include a CMake build, so that might have already been the direction I was going with compiling dependencies18:17
allejoI was reading up on autotools last night, that's what effectively does, right?18:17
blast007I *think* that autoconf makes the configure script from the contents of (thus the extension) (and makes the files) and automake creatures the Makefiles from the intermediate files18:19
allejothat sounds about right from what I was reading up on last night18:26
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blast007it's too bad that JetBrains killed off AppCode.  I still use that on my mac.  :)19:05
allejoI know, that's what I used to use to build BZ on macOS :(19:07
allejothat's actually why I'm looking at CLion now. and it supports autotools19:07
blast007I'm hoping that apple release an M4 mini soon-ish, cuz then I'll buy one of those19:08
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blast007or just build the mac version from linux:   :P20:15
allejooh damn that project looks pretty col20:25
Juestlol blast007 thats actually the macos equivalent of mingw?20:46
blast007wasn't mingw for building Windows software on Windows machines but in the style of *nix build tools?20:58
Juestblast007: mingw is also the way to crosscompile *nix stuff for windows and cygwin is related to mingw, at least thats my understanding21:21
Juestyes but also its how you crosscompile for win from linux21:26
blast007you may be confusing MinGW (or mingw32) with Mingw-w6421:34
blast007"MinGW is a native Windows port of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), with freely distributable import libraries and header files for building native Windows applications; includes extensions to the MSVC runtime to support C99 functionality."21:35
Juestmingw-w64 is mingw crosscompilation, no?21:35
Juestin windows the mingw parts are mingw-w6421:35
Juestalso w64 is 64 bits windows21:35
Juestno im not confused, mingw-w64 is the successor of the original mingw as you can read21:36
blast007both projects have been developed in parallel.  w64 since 2005, and the 32-bit version had a release in 2021.21:38
Jueston both projects you can do windows crosscompilation from *nix21:40
blast007I'm only seeing mingw-w64 packages on Debian and Arch21:42
Juestthat's precisely the cross-compilation stuff im referring to21:43
Juestthose are provided to satisfy dependencies needed during the cross compile21:43
blast007mingw-w64 is a different project than MinGW21:44
Juestin arch unofficial user repositories there's one that provides the whole stack of various dependencies/libraries to aid cross-compiling21:44
Juestim not entirely wrong through, right?21:44
Juesti understand they're not affiliated with each other21:44
Juestim referring to both when i say it blanket21:45
blast007sure, if you redefine names, you're right :)21:46
Juestah hmm, it says cross-hosted21:46
Juestwell yeah i mean, isnt it accepted that usually the better one is referenced through the blanket?21:46
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