IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Friday, 2024-04-19

ZehraCan we reserve entire prefixes for global groups? (But not have/create them)00:14
ZehraThinking along the lines of trying to build web management interface for bzfs, got some idea which might not fly.00:15
Zehraa.k.a. bzfs gets to know bzids, easy to tell bzfs that x bzid is part of xyz group00:17
Zehrabzfs already knows bzids*00:18
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blast007unclear what you're asking00:38
blast007kinda sounds like you're just talking about local groups instead of global groups00:39
blast007(though local groups work off names, not bzids)00:39
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ZehraFor example, can someone reserve "SAMPLE-GROUP" as a prefix, so no others could use "SAMPLE-GROUP" prefixed?00:41
ZehraI see when anyone joins, it is possible to get their bzid, if they have one, I figure it is possible to tell bzfs that a specific bzid is part of "other" groups which may or may not "exist"00:43
ZehraThis may be useful for instance creating some sort of interface for easily adding/removing users to "groups", but have it act as "global" groups00:44
ZehraI'm thinking along the lines of something for hosting/managing multiple bzfs instances as a service, so in that case "instant" groups can be easily added/created/deleted without issues00:48
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ZehraExample: User creates "my-admin-group" and adds in bzids of users, interface translates this to ""...00:52
Zehraplayer1 joins and matches bzid in "my-admin-group", so interface tells bzfs that player1 is part of ""00:53
Zehrait has most of the functions of global groups, minus advertise and similar, but it enables something close to global groups for a hosting service or provider00:55
blast007sounds a lot like a form of local groups to me01:08
blast007a plugin could do that sort of thing01:09
blast007plugin calls out to your web server with the player's BZID, and your web application responds with extra permissions to grant01:11
ZehraI like that idea, my only worry would be that someone may unload the plug-in and bork up some things01:16
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Zehrathen again, I can imagine making bzfs believe in non-existant groups being a bit more of where things can really get borked01:18
blast007why would you give them the PLUGINS permission?01:18
Zehrano good reason, except maybe trying to give nearly a "full" access of bzfs for hosting01:21
Zehrahmm, on second thought, it would be better to spin up/restart the server01:22
blast007yep, I'd make them do it via the web interface01:25
blast007I'd also suggest isolating the bzfs instances and making sure that -reportpipe can't be added anywhere01:25
blast007I once demonstrated a remote shell via /report on a web management interface for bzfs  :P01:27
Zehrahehe, it's like every time someone tries to make the perfect web interface for bzfs, "It's perfect", "no, it isn't and it's unsecure" :D01:30
blast007we do prevent -reportpipe from being specified in the options block of a world file now01:36
ZehraI'm partly thinking that one of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to prevent people from giving bad world files to bzfs01:39
blast007that's another one we prevent in the world file01:39
blast007search for checkFromWorldFile in
blast007we have 33 arguments that we prevent from being set from a world file01:41
blast007We should probably add the various lag/loss/jitter arguments too01:42
Zehraor at least prevent some options from being added as default limits within the world file01:45
Zehrano observers and lag setting to 0 ms of lag and 0 ms of jit and suddenly none can connect01:45
ZehraI mostly am thinking along the lines of preventing people from giving world files which have excessively high item or face counts01:47
Zehraor at least a basic check to prevent them from running by default01:48
blast007a file size limit could help with that, to an extent01:58
ZehraI'm still a bit concerned with what trepan mentioned in one post years back:
ZehraI might be going at this the wrong way, but I somehow see it as a two-fold approach02:02
Zehralimited file size -> parse world and check on poly/face/item count and if any item exceeds a certain rate, dismiss/don't run world02:03
Juesteasier said than done02:22
Juesti'd like to see you implementing more over talking speculatively a lot :)02:23
Juestyou said this is the year02:23
Zehrait's easy to express a notion compare to manifesting a notion (parsing bzw is parsing meshes, boxes and adding up numbers..etc)02:24
Zehraand yes, my biggest weakness is just being good in theory, speculation, predicting, but doing quite little in actuality :o02:25
Zehraand yes, I did say I'm optimistic, but i do need to actually release/finish much of my works :o02:26
* Juest shrugs02:42
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