IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Wednesday, 2023-11-29

*** Zehra <Zehra!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag00:41
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*** blast007 <blast007!~blast@user/blast007> has quit IRC (*.net *.split)01:04
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*** blast007 <blast007!~blast@user/blast007> has joined #bzflag01:06
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BZNotifymaster @ blast007 pushed 1 commit (
BZNotifymaster @ blast007 544927: Remove the links as the IRC bridge isn't coming back. (
ZehraWas nice while it lasted. I guess it wasn't viable/workable in the long run.02:18
Juestit was libera decision, you can read it on their blog02:26
blast007there's something we could run ourselves, but I'm not sure it's worth investing much time into.02:27
Juestnot that worth, it requires setting up your own matrix server and the software is painful to use i heard02:28
ZehraMatrix is painful in it of itself.02:28
blast007ah, yeah, if it requires running a whole homeserver then I'm definitely not interested02:29
Juesteither that or you need an admin to add your bridge to the services02:30
Juestit requires server access02:30
Juestfederation is another can of worms02:30
ZehraIMO, it basically worked like an IRC bouncer... which probably was the main reason anyone used it.02:31
Zehra(In this specific use case/scenario.)02:31
Juestpeople abused that precisely unfortunately02:31
Juestand then there's throttling and delays issues causing spam02:31
Zehra"my message didn't sent... send another... wait two messages... uh oh.."02:32
Juesta discord bridge is much easier to deal with02:32
ZehraEspecially since it doesn't deal with the IMO messy "Matrix" protocol.02:33
ZehraSomething I'd be interested in seeing, is a lightweight discord/slack alternative, but bz tailored, it uses the checkToken stuff for auth... so no messy account stuff and similar.02:35
blast007our weblogin needs to die02:36
Juestlike a mastodon instance, i think matrix requires a fqdn 02:36
Juestvalid fqdn02:36
JuestZehra: see zulip, the new workspace chat application02:36
Juestblast007: why the weblogin struck for so long02:37
Zehrablast007: what are future options?02:37
blast007I want to replace our weblogin with OpenID Connect, but that's a reasonbly large undertaking02:37
ZehraJuest: I'd have to check on perform and similar, but it looks visually somewhat appealing.02:43
ZehraI'm not sure if I get OpenID Connect, but if this is accurate
blast007OpenID is different than OpenID Connect02:57
Juestwhat's the difference?02:57
blast007I don't know.  :)02:57
blast007but OIDC is build on top of OAuth 2.002:58
blast007oh, maybe both are02:59
ZehraWhy would we make the switch them to Open ID Connect... since AFAIK, it seems OpenID (Not Connect) is just "here is a certificate" vs what we have of a token which says "auth for user is good".03:02
ZehraI'm not sure what the advantage/disadvantage would be from this though.03:04
blast007we don't use either right now03:07
ZehraLike our current weblogin/auth system, it seems like "match password" and send tokens if passwd matches and say the token is good03:09
Zehrait seems pretty okayish, but except maybe for sending the password on every request or so03:12
Zehraor wait, now I'm sort of getting why it's a good idea for a change03:15
Juestits worse than an api right?03:16
ZehraIf we don't send passwords every time, we reduce risk, since at most, users can join game servers and tokens can be easily revoked in that case.03:16
Zehraand the tokens would then be used to generate some form of "sessions" for the user and server03:17
Juestwell, it'll unfortunately break xp people from playing03:17
Juestand 32 bits linux03:17
ZehraThey can switch to ReactOS :)03:17
Juestno, reactos is still alpha03:18
ZehraAnd people should be using a permanent zero-day system instead?03:18
Juestnot saying that either03:19
Zehrastill, it's a good idea if they use alternative systems. :)03:26
Juestusability beats insecurity03:27
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Yukari@user/yukari> has quit IRC (Quit: Quit.)03:49
*** _I_Died_Once <_I_Died_Once!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)04:47
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)07:22
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*** FastLizard4 is back07:55
*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard08:32
*** FastLizard4 is now away: GONE - Screen Detached and Disconnected from IRC (I'm probably asleep, at work, or doing something in real life)09:00
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)09:28
blast007OIDC wouldn't be for in-game.  It would just be for weblogin.10:22
*** _I_Died_Once <_I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag12:33
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*** FastLizard4 is back16:43
*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard17:13
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: atupone pushed 1 commit (
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: atupone ad16c9: No need of  renderRadar if same as renderShadow (
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag22:37
Juestwhats this commit on 2.4?23:40

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