IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Friday, 2023-08-25

Agatha@Optic_Delusion_ Yep. In keeping with my previous statements, I humbly suggest upgrading it to also do that, then—as well as a grace period on flag cap point bonuses (both positive and negative). As desired, suggest conferring with Grue, who I think implemented a similar system.00:20
Optic_Delusion_I admit our flag cap bonuses need a complete overhaul00:21
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*** yuitimothy is now away: I've done some soul-searching and I still can't find it.00:58
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag01:02
ZehraWhat options need to be set to have a server run for x minutes and shut down after that time period? Since `-time` 00:30:00 or :30:, do not cause a 30 minute run.01:04
Zehra(Or I may be misreading the documentation for bzfs.)01:06
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blast007-time either takes a number of secionds, or a wall clock time in hh:mm:ss format, with minute and second being optional (and if you include only the hour, it must end in : to differentiate it from a time limit in seconds)01:31
blast007in the wall clock mode, it stopp stop at that time of the day01:32
blast007can't... type...  :P01:32
blast007in the time limit mode, it will only start the countdown after the first player joins01:32
blast007I don't know for sure if the wall clock mode will trigger the game to end if nobody has joined01:32
blast007Zehra: is your goal to start the 30 minute countdown as soon as someone joins?01:36
Zehrablast007: The goal is have 30 minutes countdown, regardless if players join or not during that time period. (Map rotation)01:41
ZehraAlso, I now got how the time format works too!01:43
Zehrawall clock time was the keyword, otherwise I'd still be fiddling on why it's not shutting down in 30 minutes.01:44
blast007I wonder if an SSP is enough to make the countdown start up01:46
ZehraLouMan used bzadmin IIRC to trigger the countdowns, clever, but not really ideal.01:47
Juesthi been a long time :)01:47
ZehraHi Juest, long time no see. :)01:48
* Zehra begins rethinking some form of timers/countdowns01:48
Juesthow things been around here?01:48
Juestnot on discord or matrix?01:48
ZehraThe biggest news was Tim's return to bz01:49
Zehra - Checking in01:50
ZehraTim Riker :)01:50
ZehraAnd work on IPv6 support for BZFlag, meaning mobile players can get global auth, in 2.6.x, IIRC.01:51
ZehraBut if we go back a bit earlier, Grue has Castle Scarwall up and it was a popular server.01:52
* Juest reads01:52
ZehraAnd Apocalypse launched some custom flags and game modes. (not sure how long it's been for you.)01:52
Zehrathe rest is mainly me posting stuff, monthly events, league events... and I'm not sure how much else.01:54
blast007note that Matrix currently isn't bridged to this channel (or #bzflag-chat)01:54
blast007they took the bridge down due to some issues01:54
blast007allejo: I'm currently attempting work on the Dockerfile so it would copy in the contents of a custom_plugins directory and automatically craft a plugins.txt file based on what, if anything, is in there01:57
Juestah, are there people on matrix?02:00
JuestZehra: i checked in years apart02:01
Juestoh well, i forgot my forum password, is that linked to the game password?02:04
ZehraJuest: There is some people on matrix, but now since IRC and Matrix are not connected, I'm not sure what goes on at this point.02:04
ZehraAlso, game password is the same as forum password...02:04
ZehraUnless you're using different accounts for both.02:04
ZehraBut "config.cfg" will have your password, in case you forget it by any chance.02:05
Juestyeah got it02:10
Juestand i reached the maximum login attempts02:11
Juestcaptcha is asking me what is the name of one flag in the game02:12
Zehra Agility02:12
JuestGot it, any flag worked02:12
Juestmind asking kierra for a invite?02:13
Zehraerr, she is here...02:13
Juestoh right02:13
Juestoh interesting02:13
Juestwonder why, no offense02:14
Juestuhh i cant see threads when i click on forums02:15
Juestoh 1 month old max02:15
Zehraoh, lol02:16
Juesti just upgraded my bz install on this computer02:25
Juestsad that its basically dead02:35
Juestlots of servers but no people02:35
blast007Juest: gonna be an event on Saturday:
moriahInvite sent, juest02:39
Juestthanks moriah02:47
Juestwhat other updates development side have happened?02:52
blast007enhancements to joystick support is about ready to merge02:59
blast007(deadzone adjustment, corner stretching since most analog sticks don't go fully to the corners, and a test page to show the results)03:00
blast007that was done by macsforme and we're just working on the last bit of testing03:01
blast007Tim Riker has been doing a lot of work adding support for IPv6 to the game03:01
blast007I need to test the changes to the server list yet regarding that.  I'm still not sure I can enable IPv6 on the legacy list yet.03:02
JuestI've read tim riker's recent thread03:02
blast007allejo started a Dockerfile to building and running a containerized BZFlag server, and I've kinda went down the rabbit hole on that one..03:03
blast007allejo: by the way, I did get custom plugins working in the docker container.  Now I'm playing around with multi-stage builds to make the final image smaller.03:05
Juestthat sounds useful03:07
blast00767.4MB image with a working bzfs and plugins03:45
blast007still working on some more tweaks to the Dockerfile.03:45
Juestdoes bzf have ci/cd?03:57
blast007we run a test build with each commit, but it doesn't actually test beyond it actually building03:57
Juestoh so just unit tests instead of the full game compiled?03:58
Juestoh wait, i just understood what you meant03:58
Juestthere's game build outputs but its untested03:58
blast007yeah, it just runs a full compile03:58
Juestcomplete with assets?03:58
Juestis it supposed to run out of the box even?03:59
blast007not sure what you mean03:59
Juestcan a developer run the output for testing out of the box?04:00
blast007by assets do you mean the textures/sounds? or are you talking assets in the sense of a compilation output?04:00
Juestassets in the sense of art04:00
blast007those aren't compiled.  they're static files in the data/ directory in the repo04:00
Juestyeah im talking about the data bzflag needs04:00
blast007it's possible to run the game from the source directory04:00
Juesti see, so just a matter of post-copy it04:00
blast007just need to have the working directory set to the root of the source checkout04:01
Juestmaybe there could be unit tests that require the data folder and can be copied to the test subfolder04:01
blast007we don't have any tests, unit or otherwise04:01
Juestis the ambitious branch abandoned?04:02
Juestreferring to 2.99/3.0004:02
blast007though for the server side of things, my game servers (bzexcess) rebuild every time a new commit is pushed04:02
blast0072.99 was abandoned when we switched to working on the 2.3 development version04:03
Juestswitched to what would become 2.4, correct?04:03
blast007yeah, 2.3 was the dev version for what became 2.404:04
blast007there was also a 1.8 version that was abandoned04:04
blast007oh, another thing I've been working on is replacing the menu/UI of BZFlag with RmlUi.  It uses syntax based on parts of HTML/CSS.  Just recently got my silly little test menu based on one of their demos to actually render in the game:
Juesti saw the progress you posted on riker's thread04:08
blast007that was just in a test app.  just got it working in the game in the last week or so.04:09
Juesti see04:09
Juestthat's awesome, does it mean all the menus are replaced with web based counterparts?04:10
Juestand is it fast to render?04:10
Juestvery fast to render that even a potato can do it quick04:10
blast007I don't yet have input hooked up and I don't have full menus created04:10
Juesti see04:11
Juestbut in theory its a full replacement yes?04:11
Juestmaybe have a converter for the menus code?04:11
blast007oh god no04:11
Juesta export to html/css in the expected format04:11
blast007it would be faster to just do it all manually04:12
Juestokay fair04:12
blast007anyways, I need to sleep.  cya.  :)04:12
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TimRikerrmlui would be nice as it could add other character sets. My IPv6 PR is pretty stable now. Need to change some infrastructure so we can get more testing done.06:47
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blast007TimRiker: RmlUi does use UTF-8 and also supports fallback fonts to handle unknown characters in the main fonts, which they demonstrate with emojiis09:47
blast007TimRiker: for the changes on the bzfls repo handling IPv6, I need to make sure it didn't break security or usability for weblogin09:51
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*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag23:46

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