IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Saturday, 2023-07-22

*** YukariYakumo <YukariYakumo!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag02:50
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*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)06:35
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*** Optic_Delusion <Optic_Delusion!~Optic_Del@2600:4041:19d:2d00:a19a:7d18:b618:f98f> has joined #bzflag08:56
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*** Cobra_Fast is now away: vacant09:08
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*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)10:56
*** Cobra_Fast is now away: vacant13:00
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*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag14:05
*** FastLizard4 is back15:46
*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard16:28
*** FastLizard4 is now away: GONE - Screen Detached and Disconnected from IRC (I'm probably asleep, at work, or doing something in real life)16:51
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag19:17
*** BulletCatcher <BulletCatcher!~bc@user/bulletcatcher> has left #bzflag (tank sank)20:23
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag20:27
macsformeblast007: where do we stand on the joystick_improvements branch? I'd like to help get it wrapped up as well, but want to avoid duplicating effort20:41
*** BulletCatcher <BulletCatcher!~bc@user/bulletcatcher> has joined #bzflag20:41
macsformeas I mentioned, I know I at least have to check on some parts of the math for the non-linear ramps and the circle to square mapping20:43
blast007I have the conflicts resolved.  I cherry picked the first three commits from your branch, so I was gonna do it as a different PR.20:50
blast007I didn't change/fix the axis selection yet.  I think currently it picks the wrong one for the Y axis when you first select a joystick (IIRC, it picks 0 Inverted instead of 1).20:51
blast007I didn't change the deadzone default to 5 yet either.20:52
blast007that, or would it be better to force push that to yours somehow?  I have it here:
blast007well, here actually:
macsformeforce push to mine is fine21:34
blast007k, let me see if I can figure that out21:36
macsformewe should probably squash it into one commit in the final merge anyway21:41
macsformewere you saying that the axis inversion code is wrong? or that 0 is not a valid axis index?21:43
macsformeor that the defaults need to be different?21:43
blast007currently index 0 would be axis 0 non-inverted21:44
blast007I was considering making index 0 in the menu/config be "None" so that you could disable an analog axis21:47

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