IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Wednesday, 2023-04-12

*** Zehra <Zehra!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag00:47
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blast007TimRiker: hmm, I'll have to think more about the host mismatch check... for a system that can talk to both v4 and v6, even a 2.4 game server might end up talking to the server list over IPv6, so the legacy list running on IPv6 could break most of the 2.4 servers if we keep the REMOTE_ADDR check.11:35
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TimRikerIn my changes: if the nameport matches the key, then the REMOTE_ADDR match is not required. If no key is present, then the REMOTE_ADDR needs to be one of the IPs in the name portion of nameport. This is true for both ADD and REMOVE. Old code currently does not send key on REMOVE, so that's worth considering.16:50
TimRikerCurrently if the list server has no ipv6 access, then any v6 ip in name would be ignored. I need to test a v6 only server still. I think it will work against my-dev which has v4 and v6, but I've not tested it yet. This could result in a server being on the list, that the list server can get to, but v4 only clients cannot.16:54
TimRikerfrom the logs against my: 2023-04-12 15:13:03.564594: Peer ::ffff: connection timeout with data ""16:55
TimRikerbeing able to see the ::ffff: has been useful in development. It's probably just confusing for admins, so I think I'll strip off that portion and show only the v4 portion of wrapped packets. Thoughts?16:57
blast007I'll have to do something about getting the current server able to communicate out via IPv617:18
blast007I have v6 disabled there right now to avoid leaking the IP17:18
TimRikermy PR should work fine there without v6. it just won't handle v6 only servers, which is fine.17:20
blast007I need to look it all over more.  It's a weird setup because we do have *inbound* IPv6, just not outbound.17:21
blast007(specifically, the load balancers can speak both IP families, but they then communicate with the app server over only v4)17:22
TimRikerfor v4 only clients sending keys on ADD and coming from their IP on REMOVE, it should work fine. only maps to v4 IPs so all incoming requests will currently be v4.17:24
blast007I should look into just exposing it directly17:24
TimRikerFor testing, i'd suggest we add a new dns name that points at v4 and v6, and test there before just adding v6 to my17:25
blast007the current feature_nameport branch might also fail if the bzfs is publishing with an IP instead of a hostname, since dns_get_record will return an empty array17:28
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TimRikerwill it? oh. The old method I had worked with ips, but for v4 and v6.17:34
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TimRikerphp -r "var_dump(socket_addrinfo_explain(socket_addrinfo_lookup('',5154,array('ai_socktype'=>SOCK_STREAM))[0]));"17:40
TimRikersounds like a reason for addrinfo instead of dns_get_record.17:41
TimRikerphp -r "var_dump(socket_addrinfo_explain(socket_addrinfo_lookup('',5154,array('ai_socktype'=>SOCK_STREAM))[0])['ai_addr']);"17:42
TimRikerI'll revert that change....17:42
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TimRikermy-dev is running http2 which works great, just in case you are considering that.17:53
BZNotifyfeature_nameport @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker pushed 1 commit (
BZNotifyfeature_nameport @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker 667d2e: dns_get_record() does not handle IPs in nameport. revert to addrinfo, which does (
BZNotifybzflag-bzfls: timriker synchronized pull request #1 "Token nameport support" (
TimRikerhmm. issues with adding a v6 only by ip and figuring out what's the port. working on it...18:08
blast007I was just doing a direct comparison of the published address and the REMOTE_ADDR if dns_get_record returned an empty array18:08
TimRikerthis method gets the ip back if given an ip, so it should work.18:09
BZNotifyfeature_nameport @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker pushed 1 commit (
BZNotifyfeature_nameport @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker 685ee8: handle raw ipv6:port, NOTE: port is required, even if default (
BZNotifybzflag-bzfls: timriker synchronized pull request #1 "Token nameport support" (
TimRikerand without ip:
TimRikerstill some work to do... bzadmin does not like it... Connecting to Tim Riker@2603:1030 using central login18:31
blast007You should have the IPv6 address contained within square brackets when you also specify a port18:32
blast007such as  [2603:1030:c04:3::2c]:515418:32
TimRikeryeah, not ready for that either... 2023-04-12 18:33:35.649058: Got line: "ERROR: cannot resolve [2603:1030:c04:3::2c]"18:34
TimRikerI can work on adding that everywhere if that's what we want. so the list server would show the [] and presumably the listkeys would want a [] around the ip too?18:35
TimRikerI guess if we do that then, [2603:1030:c04:3::2c] without a port would mean default port.18:37
blast007I was going to require hostnames for keys18:37
TimRikeroh, I guess an ipv6 without [] would mean default port and []:port would only be required when on non-default port.18:38
TimRikerI don't see an issue with that, other than the work required. I'll start on it. nameport []: it's v6 with port. more than one: it's v6 default port, has one : it's a name and a port or an v4 and port, no : it's name|v4 on default port.18:41
TimRikerlistkeys would have just the ip as it does not track ports.18:41
blast007we don't actually need to allow bare IPv6 addresses on the list18:42
TimRikeryeah, but with that logic we can if we want. still need to do the same parsing on bzflag/bzadmin command line so people can connect to those different formats.18:43
blast007I'd say we deprecate support for bare IP publishing on the list and disable support for the creation of IP-based keys18:43
blast007sure, parsing on the command line would still be useful18:43
TimRikerI'll see how much work it's going to take first.18:44
blast007but I think we don't have to worry about it on the list18:44
blast007I'd rather not have IPv6 only servers on the list anyway :)18:44
blast007still far too many people that won't have any v6 support18:45
blast007(or have broken v6 support)18:45
BZNotifyfeature_nameport @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker pushed 1 commit (
BZNotifyfeature_nameport @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker 7467e7: [v6]:port support (
BZNotifybzflag-bzfls: timriker synchronized pull request #1 "Token nameport support" (
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