IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Saturday, 2023-04-08

*** Zehra <Zehra!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag01:51
BZNotifybzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (
BZNotifybzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Yukari@user/yukari> has quit IRC (Quit: Quit.)03:49
BZNotifybzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (
BZNotifybzflag: timriker synchronized pull request #323 "IPv6" (
*** Rotten_Pineapple <Rotten_Pineapple!~Rotten_Pi@> has joined #bzflag04:25
*** Rotten_Pineapple <Rotten_Pineapple!~Rotten_Pi@> has quit IRC (Client Quit)04:29
*** Cobra_Fast_ is now away: vacant05:54
*** Cobra_Fast_ is back05:54
*** FastLizard4 is back06:40
*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard08:20
*** Cobra_Fast_ is now away: vacant09:02
*** Cobra_Fast_ is back09:36
*** Cobra_Fast_ is now away: vacant10:11
*** Cobra_Fast_ is back10:11
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)10:29
*** Cobra_Fast_ is now away: vacant10:35
*** Cobra_Fast_ is back10:35
*** FastLizard4 is back13:10
*** FastLizard4 is now away: AWAY from keyboard13:35
*** FastLizard4 is now away: GONE - Screen Detached and Disconnected from IRC (I'm probably asleep, at work, or doing something in real life)13:59
*** Optic_Delusion <Optic_Delusion!~Optic_Del@2600:4041:19d:2d00:d022:8059:69ae:9a94> has joined #bzflag16:47
*** Optic_Delusion_ <Optic_Delusion_!~Optic_Del@2600:4041:19d:2d00:a9a2:e627:6466:4c9b> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)16:50
BZNotifybzflag: ODelusion opened issue #325 "OSX zoom feature freezes computer." (
*** the-map <the-map!~the_map@user/the-map/x-5158391> has joined #bzflag17:20
*** asparticus <asparticus!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)17:24
*** tupone <tupone!~tupone@gentoo/developer/tupone> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)17:24
*** the_map <the_map!~the_map@user/the-map/x-5158391> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)17:24
*** tupone <tupone!~tupone@gentoo/developer/tupone> has joined #bzflag17:25
*** the-map is now known as the_map17:28
*** asparticus <asparticus!> has joined #bzflag17:30
*** bryjen <bryjen!> has joined #bzflag17:42
mudfreakWhy are there no 1vs1 servers anymore? :-O17:50
blast007for the 1vs1 league?18:44
SpringTankmake one!19:16
JunkoAkemi[m]Was even 1vs1 played?19:54
JunkoAkemi[m]@mudfreak Do you want a link to the plugin/patches for 1vs1?19:55
*** bryjen <bryjen!> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)20:12
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag20:41
*** bryjen <bryjen!> has joined #bzflag21:37
*** L4m3r <L4m3r!~L4m3r@user/L4m3r> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)23:16

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