IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Monday, 2023-01-23

blast007there's not a huge rush to support PHP 8, if that's what you're referring to.  Debian 11 still gets official support until roughly July 2024, and then LTS support until roughly June 2026.00:12
blast007Debian 12, which has PHP 8.2 right now, won't be released until at least July00:13
TimRikertrue. changes should all be backwards compatible. might as well do them, no?00:13
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allejoi'd really rather not go down the approach of making the main website not be static anymore. we can serve out own separate service that gets player stats and then we can embed those stats on the main website via javascript01:57
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blast007or even just *not* embedding it on the main site02:32
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TimRikerWhat's been the experience with the old live site vs the current static site?03:32
blast007static sites are considerably less CPU/memory intensive to serve03:37
TimRikeragreed. they are also less engaging.03:40
allejothe main website is 99% informational. any other applications should be developed stand alone and separate. ideally avoiding a giant monolith03:40
allejoi do however feel like our websites should have a consistent look and feel, which is why I started an early attempt here but never had the opportunity to continue it03:41
TimRikerare the extra tables needed for bzfls listed anywhere?03:54
TimRikerserver_advert_groups does not exist, and I'm not sure how to create it.04:13
TimRikerlooks like I need servers and serverbans too.04:15
TimRikergot it. thx.04:16
TimRikerCHARSET=latin1 ? really?04:16
blast007as opposed to utf8mb4?04:20
TimRikeror anything that would accept non-latin1 usernames, yes.04:21
blast007that game itself doesn't04:21
TimRikerbut the forums do04:21
TimRikerthe game should, but agreed, it does not, yet.04:21
blast007the game shouldn't until there's better admin UI04:22
TimRikerprobably also true.04:23
TimRikeralso, using MyISAM on purpose? or should InnoDB work?04:25
blast007these tables haven't changed since they were created04:25
TimRikerso it's my fault? :) probably is.04:26
blast007MyISAM might have been less memory hungry as well, which was a problem on the old server04:26
blast007going forward, I'm planning to use Postgresql for new sites04:27
TimRikerphpBB had issues with postgresql last I looked.04:27
blast007can't migrate phpBB to a new database program AFAIK04:28
blast007I wouldn't necessarily keep phpBB though04:28
TimRikerutf8mb4_0900_ai_ci is probably what we should be using in MySQL.04:35
TimRikeris there a sql dump for images around? Not sure what to work on first, but I'd like to be able to see what we have.04:36
blast007that uses sqlite04:37
TimRiker should probably redirect to https04:37
TimRikeroh! will it create it's own db?04:37
blast007yup04:37 itself will redirect to HTTPS once I flip that switch, which will kill off clients older than 2.4.4 and systems older than Vista04:38
blast007here's an apache config snippet for the image site:
TimRikerwhy not just redirect the stuff that new clients and users use? Then again, what's the downside? are there older clients that still support the current servers?04:45
blast0072.4.0 and 2.4.2 still support the current servers04:47
blast007but before 2.4.4 there were a lot of remotely exploitable bugs04:48
TimRikerI believe that.04:48
TimRikerpage comes up, but with errors...
TimRikercreate_function is no longer around in php 804:51
blast007Smarty 2.x is designed for PHP 4 or 5  :)04:53
TimRikeryep. there are new releases, but the api has changed too.04:54
blast007their 2->3 upgrade notes area 404 as well04:54
blast007are a*04:54
blast007Also note that I'm using MariaDB, not MySQL.  I'm seeing mentions that utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci is only in MySQL.05:01
TimRikerah. could be. Does maria have a generic text display and sort that handles utf8 4 byte values?05:02
TimRikerunicode_520_ci looks like the best at present for cross-vendor support. alas, not with other sql platforms...05:05
TimRikerI wonder what happens with non-ascii usernames manually entered in the config...05:11
TimRikerIt seems to preserve my motto, though not display the non-ascii characters.05:12
TimRikerwhere is the source for the BZFlag Server Key Management ? I don't see it in bzflag-bzfls06:53
TimRikerlooks like I can't commit to bzflag-bzfls07:21
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag-listkeymgr: timriker pushed 2 commits (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag-listkeymgr: timriker 59c490: unix (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag-listkeymgr: timriker 991c71: copyright (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag-listkeymgr: timriker pushed 1 commit (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag-listkeymgr: timriker ab6a0b: use hostname instead of hard coding (
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blast007I fixed the access roles on the bzfls and submitimages repos11:32
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BZNotifymaster @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker pushed 4 commits (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker dc26cc: copyrights, string {} to [] (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker c785f2: unix (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker eb5cad: copyrights (
BZNotifymaster @ bzflag-bzfls: timriker c20022: mime types, json (

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