disco | blast007: I got the same result running the snap (forgot to mention) | 00:10 |
blast007 | is the snap version 2.4.22? | 00:11 |
disco | yep | 00:11 |
blast007 | yeah, they probably updated SDL in the snaps | 00:11 |
blast007 | and I guess we haven't pushed 2.4.24 to snaps | 00:12 |
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blast007 | I just changed the authentication token generate from random_int(0, 2147483647) to base64_encode(random_bytes(14)) (which will generate a 20 character string). I tested that in both the game client and weblogin (testing Leagues United and strayer's BZStats site) | 12:25 |
blast007 | If there's any sudden auth issues elsewhere though, let me know. | 12:25 |
blast007 | token generation* | 12:26 |
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blast007 | okay, that was very broken, so I changed it back | 17:01 |
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