IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2022-04-12

AgathaI feel like this is easy enough to just make a configuration option and let the user decide. Me personally, I would probably get confused by the asymmetry, but then again most of the time I'm glued to the radar, which covers 80% of the screen anyway, so.00:09
macsformeyeah probably not a great default option, but my thought was it could be an optional layout for certain widescreen ratios and/or for league players (many of whom already try to maximize their radar size, to the detriment of their 3D view... my thought was that this would accommodate both)00:31
macsformestill trying to evaluate if it will even work as a concept00:35
SpringTankwhy not just make it support duel screen? Radar on one screen and 3D view on the other/00:53
macsformethat's something we've looked into as well... I believe blast007 had something of a working prototype for that00:55
macsformeit's not ideal for all cases, though... for example, many people have a primary, high-refresh gaming monitor and a secondary 60Hz panel, and that makes it more complex to draw on two windows on two separate displays (especially where vsync comes into play)00:57
blast007prototype in the sense of a completely unrelated program running two separate SDL2 windows, each either their own OpenGL scene being rendered00:59
blast007macsforme: would the example above also switch to using relative mouse movement and have a GL rendered cursor?  that might make it slightly less awkward01:03
macsformeyeah, the custom cursor is supposed to be indicated by the 'X' shape01:05
blast007(that's something we should do for 2.6 anyway, since last I checked, the mouse doesn't snap to the center when you spawn if you're using Wayland.  I don't know if that's a limitation of Wayland, or of SDL2.01:05
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macsformehere's a tweaked version... moved the HUD to the 75% point (also shifted the whole view over with it), put the text where I thought it would fit a little better, and a few other small things... I think the layout is a bit better as far as the intended goals:
macsforme"UI Layout: PRO"03:49
SpringTankwas the audio popping bug fixed in 2.4.24?04:36
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tuponeDSO stand for Dynamic Shared Object, so it should apply to shared library. My question was about main program considered to be a shared object, for that visibility option.  From what you write it does not06:26
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blast007SpringTank: no10:45
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